Small state, smaller racial idea

5 years ago

It’s always painful to admit ignorance, so it hurts when I say I had no idea that the full name…

Mt. Rushmore vs Crazy Horse

5 years ago

President Donald J. Trump’s visit to Mount Rushmore reignited complaints from Native Americans that the land was stolen from them,…

Not all come forth on the 4th

5 years ago

Welcome to July 4th, white people’s Juneteenth. Barbecue, fireworks, patriotism.  In my circle of Black friends (Black is now capitalized…

Russian roulette, or fabrication?

5 years ago

Did Russia do it? Vladimir Putin says no, and we know what that is worth. Trump: You wouldn’t do that.…

Mayor Weathervane surrenders to the mob

5 years ago

Once again Jim Kenney, Mayor Weathervane, has spun around and around and come out pointing the wrong way, in support…

You think Job had problems?

5 years ago

Look — up in the sky (depending on where you live) — that’s not Superman, it is the Sahara sand…

Decoder ring for protest graffiti

5 years ago

In today’s effort to mansplain, or is it whitesplain?, I thought I’d bring the class up to date on some…

A word from the administrator

5 years ago

I am glad to see the squabbling has been reduced in recent days. This is not Facebook, and some of…

U.S. needs a Truth Commission on race

5 years ago

After winning his decades-long battle to end apartheid in his homeland, and becoming South Africa’s first black president, Nelson Mandela…

No, ‘no cop zone’ in Philly

5 years ago

No reporter can ever cover every angle of a story, even when they know them. When I wrote a few…