No joke. The company that handles my mail alerts tells me it is overwhelmed by reports from my subscribers that this is spam.

God knows I’ve been called worse, but everyone on this list did what you did and signed up.
Two weeks ago, I received an email from a subscriber who angerly denied he had signed up. I apologized for the inconvenience, explained I had not done it, so he was the victim of a prank.
But could this happen multiple times? Unlikely.
So my tech guy fished around for a while and “thinks” he solved the problem. If he has, you will receive on email about this and I would like you to comment to say you got it. It won’t mean I know everyone got it, but it’s a start.
Sorry for the inconvenience and I am preparing a two-parter on critical race theory that some of you will love. . . and others will hate. But I won’t post until I know mail alerts are fixed.
Glad to say, I won’t be celebrating ‘juneteenth’ ! If people would do a little research, there would be more truth on the internet. But then, what would the ‘woke’ be doing with so much time on their hands ?!?
Did you receive an email notification that this post was up, Tony?
Tony, I am sorry to hear you will not be celebrating Juneteenth. We will miss you.
to all,
If you are a Texan – especially a Black Texan, then Juneteenth would have special meaning to you.
In spite of that illogic. Here are some important dates.( it’s surprising what ‘reading’ and ‘understanding’ will do to a conversation.
President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, January 1, 1863
Juneteenth, June 19, 1865
13th Amendment, December 18, 1865
President Lincoln freed the “Southern Slaves” only
Juneteeth Freed the Texas Slaves only. Some southern states and most Northern states still had slaves.
PA included.
13th Amendment went all the way with the freedom of Slaves. Throughout the United States of America.
For those that are new, concerned, caring, thoughtful and serious.
If you are making a joke aimed at me, say so. I don’t want to be confused. I try not to mix humor in with the serious. It doesn’t print well and often times, the meaning is lost. That’s why I use the word ‘SARCASM’ or ( sic ) when appropriate.
Happy Father’s Day
Another history lesson. Thanks Tony. That’s why I continue to follow Stu. I’m always learning something new from him and his followers.
I was just trying to have a bit of fun with you.
You just proved my point. Don’t mix business with pleasure.
I often thought that you were playing with the regulars. Maybe not so much with politics.
I’m particularly aware of racial discrimination. I grew up Italian. As I mentioned often here, my father’s people are Cherokee. He nor us, were discriminated . People we knew, they had issues. The Indian is not well received. Most stay on the reserve. That’s partly why the discrimination continues today. You have never seen poverty ( ghetto ) until you’ve been on some res in the south west and west. No other minority group in this country has felt the raff of the Unites States Government as did the real people. And still do. Care to talk about reparations ? Are you white folk going to give the red man back his country ?
Woops. I get a little carried away. ( almost said, “went on warpath” ! )
Have not received anything on email related to this, Stu.
The last email I received was on Monday, 14 June at 8:37am.
It’s being worked on, meanwhile try to remember to come here directly.
The last message I received was also on June 14.
Only on the app??
I didn’t receive an email. In fact, they are coming in very infrequently. The last one I received about the AP.
I’ve never found one of your posts in my spam bin.
The mail server says subscribers were claiming THIS is spam. I can’t figure it out.
It is uneven, but I try to catch up!
Philadelphia, PA
Dear Stu,
What strike me as plausible is that someone, that is a “hacker,” (who doesn’t like what they read on your blog) is signing up people to receive notice of your postings without their permission or knowledge. (Such things often come from minions of business interests, in my experience.)
That might be regarded as a kind of “denial of service” attack. In any case, it a kind of harassment. If your “tech guy” can’t prevent this–say by filtering requests for subscriptions–, then he needs to tighten things up.
Worse things have been known to happen –like strangers buying things with your cc.
H.G. Callaway
Your hypothesis is correct. It seems to be sabotage by someone signing others up.
Got it
I received two additional emails along with this one today.
Notices are coming through in batches as server tries to get caught up.
I received three postings from you relative to Floyd, and two by mail. Hope you get it straightened out and continue to be proactive.
I received several mails today but recently your mail has been spotty.
I have only remarked on your page a few times and those remarks were a bit confrontational, so I thought you might have been angry and crossed me off your lists.
But, I will keep reading your posts as they do present me with an insight into your somewhat rational (irrational) view of the present world.
Hope you get control of your page so that I can keep up your rants.
Everyone deserves a voice and yours presents a somewhat rational view of those who are stuck in the personality wars of the street corners in Philadelphia.
There is always hope that one can escape the trap of relying on impressions rather than the needs of information that matters in our present societal chaos.
Brad Kirsch
I kick no one off because of strong views. In newly two years, I have banned only one person, and that was because he was completely irrational.
I received four emails from your site this morning One email had three posts attached. Noticed the one titled Critical Race Theory II, but have not received CRT I.
Articles dated June 18 (2 including “test”), June 20, 23, 24, 27.
The snafu is being worked on. If you missed anything, you can find all columns at
Got it!
I received this one entitled a test…