I don’t know a lot about Don Samuels, but what I do know — I like.
He is a candidate for Congress in Minnesota’s 5th District.

And you are thinking, “Stu, you care about this, why?”
He is a Democrat running against U.S. Rep Ilhan Omar, one member of the notorious, anti-American, too-loud, near-hysterical, mostly anti-Semitic Democratic Squad.
Omar is 42, has been in the House since 2019, has been married three times (one an off-an-on arrangement), and immigrated from Somalia, by way of a refugee camp in Kenya, from which she and her family were rescued by (what she calls) “systemic racist” America.
Don Samuels is 75, has held several elective posts, is married to his first wife, and immigrated from Jamaica.
He is a moderate, pro-cop Democrat.
Omar is a extremist progressive “defund the police” Democrat. She represents Minneapolis, where the loony City Council had voted to defund the police. When it came to a vote, however, city voters — already experiencing rising crime rates — rejected the crazy defund idea.
In the 2022 primary election, Samuels attracted 48.2% of the vote, while Omar squeaked to victory with 50.3%, with just 2,466 more votes than Samuels.
In the general election, her vote totals decreased every two years — from 267,703 in 2018, to 255,924 in 2022, to 214,224 in 2020.
Translation: She is vulnerable.
She is a disgrace, an embarrassment, a cancer to be removed.
Samuels has a positive way of criticizing government, and working for change. Omar’s criticism comes from the sewer of hate. I have never seen such ingratitude from someone whose scrawny ass was rescued by America’s open arms from a refugee camp. She is beyond despicable.
She needs to go, to be beaten at the polls.
I am putting my money where my mouth is, with a contribution to Samuels. If you feel as I do — support him with a donation. Here’s a link that will take you to the right place.
vote her out and deport her
You can’t deport a naturalized American citizen unless you can prove they lied on their citizen application. Alas.
I don’t want to deport her, much like I really have no desire to see Trump go to jail. I’m not after justice in this case, simply to vote out the crazies and incompetents on both sides of the aisle. I’m with you.
The fact she received more than a quarter-million votes TWICE says more about the idiots living in Minnesota than about her. Sorta reminds me of Philly voters.
She lives in a heavy Somali district. People tend to vote for their own.
I totally agree with you, Mr Bykofsky. Thank you for making us aware of candidate Don Samuels.
I totally agree with you, Mr. Bykofsky. Thank you for letting us know about Don Samuels.
Well, I’m not a fan of her. But I will say that the whole “defund the police” thing is over-blown bullshit hyperbole in my opinion. All that was asked in that was to have some of the money going to supply the police with military style weapons (i.e., tanks, machine guns, bazookas, etc.) be funneled instead into mental health training and the hiring of mental health professionals to help the police in dealing with mental health crises. Nobody wants to see the police made weaker or have their ability to do their difficult jobs impacted. For reference, see this page: https://www.brookings.edu/articles/7-myths-about-defunding-the-police-debunked/
A handful of cities cut actual funds to law enforcement, instead if ADDING funds (as Biden suggested) for mental health, etc.
The Minneapolis city council (and one or two others) wanted to ACTUALLY end the police force and replace it with “public safety,” or some other rebranded bullshit. The voters overruled the City Council.
As for “military grade” equipment, which I think is free, have you seen what some of the criminals are packing?
I remember an L.A. street scene where a couple of dudes with AR-15s and head-to-toe body armor held off about 2 dozen good, whose Glocks were ineffective. Cops should also have drones, armored vehicles, and radio control bomb detectors.