In Tuesday’s column I took a long look at Philadelphia D.A. Larry Krasner’s controversial record.

It turns out I was joined by Bill Heeney, and by Krasner himself.
Let’s start with Heeney, the one of us least known to the public.
Heeney, 60, is a Republican candidate for City Council At-Large and has some pointed questions about how Krasner runs his office. So does Krasner, but I will get to that in a minute.

An East Torresdale resident, Heeney requested records from the D.A. showing how many and what type of crimes Krasner’s office has declined to prosecute. This is a serious question that deserved an answer, but Heeney didn’t get one.
So he went to court to demand the records.
And he won. The Harrisburg Office of Open Records has ordered Krasner to surrender the records.
Krasner has 30 days to comply or appeal.
“I expect him to continue to stonewall and file an appeal because I believe he doesn’t want to reveal the tremendous amount of police arrests that he has chosen to just throw away,” said Heeney.
Heeney confesses to a personal motivation.
The D.A. declined prosecuting a July burglary of Heeney’s own business, Instant Courier Service. Heeney had videotape of the thief, but the D.A.’s policy is to not prosecute small thefts.
In Heeney’s case, an employee stole a check, passed it to a friend to cash and Heeney was out $2,300.
Heeney is the son of a now-deceased Philadelphia police lieutenant and is deeply offended by Krasner’s refusal to enforce the law.
Now we get to how Krasner is taking a look at his own record.
While Heeney was demanding records, the D.A. launched a dashboard that tracks arrests and prosecutions.
As the Billy Penn story says, this kind of information can be very difficult to obtain.
The Inquirer took a look and found some startling data:
- The D.A.’s office has charged 26% fewer cases this year than through the same date in 2014.
- This year it charged 268 people for retail theft, down from 1,900 five years ago. This may sound good if you are a liberal, less good if you are a store owner who has to eat the losses.
- Of the 143 homicide cases resolved this year, 76% have resulted in a conviction, down from 88% through the same date in 2014.
- In 2018, 78 gun-possession cases were put in the Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition program, which is sort of a “free first offense” scheme. The previous year there were 12 such diversions, 11 in 2016, 14 in 2015 and 10 in 2014.
Krasner said the website was the most important announcement he has made as D.A., which surprised me. The dashboard is No. 1? You can check it out here: Notice it is not an official city address. All of those end as “gov,” not “com.”
Let’s examine the stats I posted above. Is the fact that Krasner has charged 26% fewer crimes than in 2014 good news? Krasner wants to reduce the prison population, but is refusing to prosecute crimes the right way to get there?
He has prosecuted only 14% of retail theft crimes as compared to five years ago. I asked what minimum theft amount would bring prosecution, but received no answer before deadline.
As a matter of fairness, the dashboard recorded nine exonerations of wrongly imprisoned convicts, which is good. Jail is only for actual guilty people.
As to guilty people, the dashboard showed murder prosecutions dropped while homicides increased. You can’t feel good about that.
Even worse, in 2018 Krasner directed 78 gun cases to ARD, five times more than in the previous years shown above.
In Philly, we are plagued by gun crimes yet we have a D.A. who wants to throw the book away, rather than at the defendant.
The story by Julie Shaw lists a handful of gunmen who were given a break, but who then turned around and offended again. As long as lifelong defender Krasner feels he is doing good, the actual bad doesn’t matter. If some innocent person gets hurt, that’s a price you have to pay for “social justice.”
You can’t feel good about Krasner’s affection for defendants and disinterest in victims, discussed here Tuesday.
For example: Mike Poeng was washing his car in front of his grocery store at 54th and Spruce when Jovaun Petterson rolled up and threatened Poeng with an AK-47.
Barehanded, Poeng kept the man away from his wife and kids in the store. He stayed in the gunman’s face until Patterson shot him in the chest.
Poeng survived but is unable to walk or work and has permanent injuries.
It was clearly attempted murder, but Krasner employed the far less serious charge of aggravated assault and agreed to a marshmallow-soft 3 ½ – 10 year sentence.
More bad news came from Philadelphia magazine which asked, “what happens in a major metropolitan city like Philadelphia, when you elect a district attorney whose primary goal is releasing criminals, rather than prosecuting them? The results, however, were all predictable.”
Author James D. Schultz found “gun-related violent crime is rising in Philadelphia.The police force is demoralized. Victims of crimes, their families and advocacy groups feel betrayed.”
In several cases, victims’ families complained that Krasner cut plea deals with defendants without consulting with them, as is required.

Finally, the D.A. was mum on the marginally racist and ageist tweets put out last week by his spokesperson, Jane Roh. The tweets attacked supporters of slain Police Officer Danny Faulkner who were protesting the D.A.’s decision to not oppose a new trial for convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.
Smug progressive Roh felt entitled to attack the victims, friends and relatives of the dead cop. Matt Wolfe, Republican candidate for City Council At-Large, is calling on Krasner to fire Roh.
Krasner should. Some Philly cops got fired for allegedly racist remarks on social media.
Doesn’t justice require the same penalty for the D.A.’s staffer? Or will Krasner again take the side of the offender, rather than the victim?
Mr. Krapner needs to take a walk around K and A around 10 pm on a Friday night. Maybe the reality of that picture will make him see the dangers of his actions. Nah, but only wishful thinking.
The fact that 9 “wrongly convicted murderers” were exonerated is misleading. If the District Attorney Office does not oppose the appeals, the charges are automatically dropped, thereby clearing them. While not disputing their guilt or innocence, this should be sorted out in a court of law, not arbitrarily dismissed by the DAO. This is why the Court of Appeal exists. Krasner seems to be stacking the deck. Just my opinion!
Exactly!!!! Very well said!!! Then they get released and yell “wrongly convicted and freed after all these years!” They go from criminal to martyrs because of the DA
A fair point. I believe DAO feels they wrongly wrongly convicted. If it believes that, or they were coerced, the D.A. should stand aside.
Wow just wow how misnamed progressives are defying laws. Time to take our country back from these ideologues and restore law and order!
Pallie, ya dun it agin ! You put out the facts and let the proverbial s*^t hit the fan. Could this be why you don’t get
Christmas cards from our favorite politicians ?!?
By the way. Philadelphia, being a city of democrats, ignoring the U.S. constitution with their sanctuary city stance and as corrupt as can be, is getting the reality check that comes from uneducated voting. Being liberal and blind to the real cost of freedom and justice puts you right there in the corrupt land that’s a few steps away from from socialism.
I don’t even get a Christmas card from YOU, pallie. 😀
CORRECTION. I did get a card from Tony. None from mauor, D.A., moat of City Council….
Krasner has to go. He is basically giving a green light to criminals to rob and assault innocent people. HIS TOTAL DISREGARD AND DISTAIN FOR FAMILIES OF MURDERED PEOPLE IS ASTOUNDING.
Sane Democrats should disavow him. Republicans ought to find a strong candidate who will FIGHT.
In Krasner’s “war on social injustice”, crime victims and public safety are collateral damage that must be minimized or ignored all together. If Krasner does anything else, delegitimize his heavy handed overhaul of the ODA and the justice system. The idea that the majority of the prison population were poor people of color being held on frivolous and nonviolent charges is ridiculous and narrow minded. Krasner was elected to clean up an overblown crisis and his only alternative is to release violent offenders back on the street so that he can maintain his target prison population so that he can continue to get money from the MacArthur grant
Go back a couple of days and check my column on the mass incarceration myth.
Krasner reduced charges on a man that stabbed and killed a Realtor because he said it was self defense. It’s a clear murder/ homicide but he Krasner) didn’t think that they could get a conviction. So he dropped the charged to aggravated assault. Who is Krasner to decide this. You charge the man with murder and let the jury decide.
Stu, congrats on your coverage of our dangerous D.A. Larry Krasner. In my opinion, his social justice revolution is the biggest story in town. Another big story is how the cops have responded to Krasner’s revolution, by basically going underground. And I thought when our last D.A. went to jail, we couldn’t sink any lower. But Progressive Larry Krasner is proving me wrong.
Thanks, Ralph. The FOP has to do more.
The DA is a disgrace. He should run for mayor.
Yo Vince: Not so loud. He would win.
Great job, as usual, Stu. Thanks for lifting the rock and letting the light shine on this cockroach. As for Jane Groh, you’re right, a double standard comes in to play.
Too bad the Inquirer and its vaunted spotlight aren’t covering this as well. Great work.
Thanks, Tom.