A strong Democratic friend of mine texted that he was glad President Donald J. Trump would not (as looks likely)…
It was nice, hearing my friends across the country (Democratic friends that is) thank me because my city, and my…
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the…
In the past few days, two “C” issues have impacted the Presidential race, with less than seven weeks to go.…
Almost everyone agrees that single-party Democratic rule, like the Republican rule that preceded it, is bad for democracy, is bad…
Today, I am “open” to suggestions. At noon on Friday, a motorcade of cars are scheduled to circle City Hall,…
In the preface to tonight’s episode, I assume the identity of “Mighty Mick” Goldmill, Rocky Balboa’s trainer, who trains Vermont…
“Misogyny and hate.” That’s what one of my Leftist Facebook friends commented, after Sen. Elizabeth Warren ended her presidential campaign…
This has been an unusual presidential race, unusual as in “what the F just happened”? Two months ago, Barack Obama’s…
Wow, they booed Bernie Sanders. Hadn’t heard that before, but the Dems hadn’t debated anyplace as conservative as South Carolina.…