Let democracy decide statues‘ fate

4 years ago

We have a monumental problem, one that is statuesque, too — monuments and statues falling victim to vigilantes of the…

The Left vs. free expression

4 years ago

In the 21st Century, America’s 18th Century foundational freedom of expression is under attack, usually from those who see themselves…

Welcome to N.Y. — papers please

5 years ago

When I read that the genius Mayor Bill de Blasio is setting up checkpoints at Noo Yawk tunnels, bridges,  and…

Is Black Lives Matter really Marxist?

5 years ago

I’ve been sitting and stewing (no pun intended) for weeks, researching and organizing material and thoughts about Black Lives Matter,…

Needed: Statute of limitations for illegals

5 years ago

Here’s an amazing young man, caught in a trap manufactured by his parents, and now sprung by the U.S. government.…

D.A. Krasner railroading SWAT cop

5 years ago

 A 12-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, Richard Nicoletti, 35, is being railroaded. D.A. Larry Krasner and Police Commissioner…

And Biden’s choice for VP will be . . .

5 years ago

8/11/20 UPDATE: Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris. Let the attack commercials begin. A year ago, long before Basement Brigadier Biden…

Don’t f—- with Facebook

5 years ago

This is weird. I’m going to be sympathizing with  multi-billionaire and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has been criticized for…

Twitter: The voice of a very small mob

5 years ago

Twitter may not be the greatest threat to American democracy, but it’s on the list as a fountain of falsehoods…

It’s sad how Trader Joe’s got rolled

5 years ago

What does it take to drop a major American corporation to its knees? Trader Joe’s is big but not courageous…