The man who crowned himself a king says that he has no ego. A graduate of Washington D.C.’s American University…
I am awake, I am not Woke. Thanks to loving, kind parents, my sister and I were taught there was…
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is not a journalist. His employer has bragged admitted that, and that he can’t be believed.…
First, sincere sympathy to anyone who has lost a loved one to the deadly fentanyl tide unleashed on America by…
This won’t take long. It’s a simple object lesson of progressives identifying a problem and then throwing far too much…
The diversity chickens are coming home to roost and diversity is destroying quality at Philadelphia’s top school — Julia R.…
He never voted until he was 30, former City Councilman David Oh tells me, sheepishly, as he sits for an…
I like dogs, and I like cops. Assuming they are good dogs, and good cops. And I have read and…
It reminds me of Bastogne, the Alamo, Thermopylae, and Masada. Those were battles where defenders were crazily outnumbered, but refused…
People are permitted to change their mind about their convictions, but they should have a good reason for the change.…