
Blinken says U.S. isn’t finished in Afghanistan

About now, with the U.S. out of Afghanistan, some Bidenite is filing nomination papers for the Nobel Peace Prize.

And if Joe Biden were Black, he’d win. Barack Obama won with no peace achievements, just a bunch of promises, some kept, some not.

Kept: He pulled troops out of Iraq. Too bad they had to go back when the country started falling apart and ISIS created a caliphate.

Secretary Blinken addresses the nation

Unkept: Closing Guantanamo, the summer camp for the worst of the worst terrorists. Plus other promises, but his loyal VP is now in the spotlight.

Mostly, Obama got the Nobel for not being George W. Bush. Until then, I thought Obama was a funny-looking guy who could deliver a dynamite speech and who married up. When he accepted the unearned Nobel, I lost a lot of respect for him.

Just a few weeks ago, Biden promised to remove all Americans who wished to leave, and sort-of, but-not-quite promised to rescue all Afghans who had worked with our military, diplomats, and aid workers. 

He almost succeeded in getting almost all Americans out, but for our Afghan allies, he hit a double, at best. Many thousands are stranded, but not to worry.

In a Monday-night, optimism-flecked statement, Neville Chamberlain Antony Blinken, the U.S. secretary of state, said the Taliban had sort-of promised freedom of travel to anyone wanting to leave Afghanistan.

U.S. efforts would shift from military to diplomatic, and with the aid of our allies and the (cough, cough) world community, the religious fanatic Taliban would be on their best behavior — or else.

Here’s the thing. While one of the towelheads leaders promised a carpet ride for any Afghans wishing to leave, the top dog (soon to meet a drone, I hope) said the opposite: They don’t want a brain drain of smart people leaving, and proof that you are smart is a wish to leave.

The U.S. will help all who want to leave, said Blinken, but he didn’t say how.

The Taliban won’t be judged on their words, but on their deeds, said Blinken with a straight face.

The Taliban said, No! We won’t tolerate terrorism in our territory!

That was a day before terrorists killed 13 Americans at Kabul airport.


Blnken is either engaging in dangerous wishful thinking, or he is flat-out lying to us, but we know unlikely it is for the government to lie to us. 😄

I am hearing Biden will address the nation Tuesday.

Without doubt he will whip out his tear-stained handkerchief as he praises our 13 dead heroes. He’s done that before and it usually plays well.

But this time he also has to justify the deaths resulting from an operation he put into motion. He’s going to need Fred Astaire’s footwork.

Stu Bykofsky

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