A vote for the death penalty

3 years ago

A local lawyer, a frenemy, told me he had written a book about the death penalty, and asked if I…

Treat the unvaxxed like pariahs

3 years ago

Sometimes I am almost too willing to compromise. That will come as a surprise to some who know me, but…

Sigh. Back to masks in Philly

3 years ago

With the city now recommending that even vaccinated people, like me, wear masks indoors and in crowds, I had some…

Kenney gets Black maled

3 years ago

Ernest Owens is a smart guy, very smart. He’s probably smarter than I am. Master of manure, Ernest Owens (Photo:…

Peruto, The Entertainer, targets Let ’em Loose Larry

3 years ago

During his decades-long career as a lawyer, which included outrageous stunts in the courtroom and gossip column-worthy affairs outside of…

Dems court danger with R-word

3 years ago

Do Democrats understand how much they hurt themselves when they say it’s racist to want to have people present photo…

Welcome. Again.

3 years ago

On the second anniversary of the start of this column, I am reprising the first one, so that people who…

Biden keeps bad Trump idea

4 years ago

Given that President Joe Biden is feverishly reversing almost every policy of President Donald J. Trump, I’m saddened he is…

Once in love with Amy, and America

4 years ago

Word that Amy Gutmann soon would be named our ambassador to Germany rang my American chimes in several ways. I…

Glad to be alive, but destroyed

4 years ago

Nothing.  Imagine having nothing. Imagine being a survivor of the Surfside, FL., condo collapse. Champlain Towers South condo building in…