Dems: Cheaper by the dozen?

5 years ago

Before delving into the Tuesday night debate among a dozen Democratic hopefuls, here’s a pop quiz: Name the Starbucks multimillionaire…

Need a good lawyer? Settle for Rudy

5 years ago

This is today’s Sunday Funny. You know the rules here: If it makes me laugh, it gets used. Jokes don’t…

Krasner shows some cards, not all – Part 2

5 years ago

In Tuesday’s column I took a long look at Philadelphia D.A. Larry Krasner’s controversial record. Controversial Philly D.A. Larry Krasner.…

When Krasner gets crass – Part 1

5 years ago

Larry, Larry, Larry. Larry Krasner is the District Attorney of Philadelphia, a man unsuited by temperament and experience for the…

The “mass incarceration” fraud

5 years ago

You’ve heard that the United States incarcerates more of its citizens than any other country. The Left keeps telling you…

What impeachment leads to

5 years ago

I like this cartoon, even if I don’t agree with its theme — that Republicans and Democrats are interchangeable. They…

A D-Day hero: the climax

5 years ago

My D-Day mission, which started last April in Normandy, France, ended last week in Kutztown, Pennsylvania. It was brought to…

The noisiness of the lambs

5 years ago

Barbara Pearl Houten calls it the silence of the lambs, which is catchy, but not entirely accurate. But it is…

Confessions of a disloyal Democrat

5 years ago

Indulge the ramblings of a disloyal Democrat today. I am a disloyal Democrat because I never vote the straight D…

Is your job worth it?

5 years ago

Is your job fun? Does it pay enough? Would you do it if you didn’t have to? Can you find…