Why build more aircraft carriers?

5 years ago

The Day of Infamy turns me toward thinking about the Navy, Our Navy, and what it needs for the future.…

Open letter to Jeff Bezos

5 years ago

Dear Jeff Bezos: Surprisingly, we have some things in common: You are believed to be the richest person in the…

Green New Deal seems a bit Red

5 years ago

Let’s talk about climate change. Don’t get hot under the collar. This won’t take very long and it won’t be…

Black Friday — for fur

5 years ago

The reason a handful of protesters showed up in front of Boyd’s Center City store on Black Friday is “because…

Thanksgiving dinner? Shut up!

5 years ago

My family was immune from the verbal pyrotechnics that sometimes plague the major clan-gathering events at year’s end — Thanksgiving…

Is the race card frayed?

5 years ago

“There is no such thing as racism.” A ludicrous statement. Here’s another: “Everything is racist.” No one says those words,…

Impeachment? Yes. Conviction? No.

5 years ago

As the clock ticked toward 4 p.m., Ambassador Gordon Sondland looked like he needed a double scotch and a full…

Santa baby, with a sack full of trouble

5 years ago

Did you ever believe in Santa Claus? I did, and that was so long ago if you said old Saint…

Gut check: Are you serious about fighting guns?

5 years ago

As with some other large cities — Chicago, Baltimore, New Orleans, St. Louis — Philadelphia is experiencing what could be…

Is “A Warning” doing the right thing?

5 years ago

I am no fan or supporter of Donald Trump, whom I consider to be a boorish, low-brow, weirdly coiffed, inarticulate…