Save yourself (& us) first

5 years ago

When you are an air traveler, you tune out the safety message prior to takeoff, but I want to remind…

Handcuffing cops

5 years ago

What is the result of handcuffing cops? Saturday evening a group of more than 100 motorcycles came roaring up Broad…

Cross here? I dare you

5 years ago

Philadelphia has come up with a new genius plan that’s supposed to “calm” traffic and protect citizens, but it certainly…

I direct you to this report

5 years ago

That headline approximates what former special counsel Robert Mueller said about 100 times this morning in taciturn testimony before the…

How Jewish journos handle hate

5 years ago

How Jewish publishers, editors and writers respond to anti-Semitism was served with bagels and coffee Tuesday morning at a conference…

Fahrenheit 84

5 years ago

Dawn breaks Saturday as a horrific heat wave holds the Northeast United States, including dear Philadelphia, in a python’s embrace.…

6 things to know about the lunar landing

5 years ago

It was July 20, 1969, when perceptions of who we were, aboard planet earth, changed forever. Man (meaning humankind) had…

My plan for a tax-free home

5 years ago

Pop Quiz: Is gentrification a good thing or a bad thing? In this Inquirer story about gentrifcation, it is telling…

It’s toon time

5 years ago

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and Stu a tired boy. There is no way I…

ICE feints on Sunday

5 years ago

The nationwide sweep of illegals that was announced to begin on Sunday did not begin on Sunday because it was…