Will Bunch accidentally shows his true colors

I rarely quickly return to a subject unless it is really warranted, and with Will Bunch it is.

Lawyer Usha Chilukuri and her husband (Photo: USNews)

I had my say less than two weeks ago, but I had to return for a smaller bite today.

As many of you know, Bunch is the resident Chicken Little of the Philadelphia Inquirer, the resident bed-wetter who writes from inside his silo of very progressive beliefs.

Naturally, he is totally PC, a Lt. Colonel in the DEI Corps, and is onboard with every Leftist log that floats down the river. He is farther Left than most Democrats, even Philadelphia Democrats.

In his latest column, Bunch compares the Midwestern upbringing of vice presidential candidates JD Vance and Tim Walz.

Bunch’s topic is public education, and, naturally, he swoons at the feet of Walz. His column explains why, but I am here to make a couple of points.

First, dishonesty.

He writes Nebraska native Walz “earned GI Bill benefits that allowed him to attend a college that neither you nor I had ever heard of before this week: Chadron State College.”

“Earned GI Bill benefits,” right?

Now, Republican JD Vance “whose nearly free ride at Yale Law School forged the connections in Silicon Valley and publishing that brought him wealth and fame…..”

Just like Walz, Vance attended on the GI Bill, which Bunch “forgets” to mention. Vance got a “nearly free ride,” while Walz “earned” his GI Bill benefits. 

See what he did?

Second, racism.

Here is a direct quote: “Vance’s dark vision for higher ed would wreck the academy, slam the door on any future ‘Hillbillies’ looking to better themselves, and end all efforts at campus diversity — an odd dream for a man who met his Indian American wife at Yale.”

You know what he just did?

Good old Bunch just employed the pernicious notion — which sometimes happens when the DEI hound is on the grounds — that any minority student did not earn his or her way in, but was somehow given a boost, because they can’t be as “good” as white students. That is the dark side of DEI — the suspicion that nonwhites are “getting over.”

Bunch assumes the beautiful and talented Usha Chilukuri could not have gotten into Yale on her own merit. (He also assumes all Republicans hate people of color.)

She got her undergraduate degree from Yale, where she graduated summa cum laude, with membership in Phi Beta Kappa, before graduating from Yale Law and clerking for U.S. Supreme Court John Roberts.  She is not a lightweight.

I am certain Bunch considers himself to be an egalitarian feminist, but he just took stroll on the racism, sexism side. If this was an Olympic event, he’d take Gold/

In his case, fool’s gold.

18 thoughts on “Will Bunch accidentally shows his true colors”

  1. Will Bunch is a great representative of how far left the Philadelphia Inquirer has gone. They won’t be happy until they do their part in ruining this country. We haven’t had a fair and decent newspaper in Philadelphia in years and I don’t see one in our future.

  2. Will Bunch is an example of why a liberal Democrat like me abhor the uber left. They are just as bad and blind as their counterparts on the right. Both knee jerk to one side or another without critical thought involved.

  3. Are the inquirer’s subscription numbers going up? Nooooo Their news is stale, repeats articles for a week. Opinionated, reporters (being liberal with that term) don’t know how to “report” the news. Suggest they look at some of Walter Cronkite’s news casts….learn how to report the news.

  4. Gerry Lenfest is tossing and turning in his grave with the destruction of the Inquirer, which is still in business due to the crutch of his Lenfest Foundation’s financial subsidy.

    Under the Inquirer’s disappointing junior college editorial board, its “I see Racism Everywhere” CEO, E. Hughes, the sophomoric intellects of Solomon Jones, Jenice Armstrong, Will Bunch and many of the other undeveloped minds recently hired, readers are shocked and very disappointed with the vacuousness of their thinking.

    All in all, however, who cares about the Inquirer with more intelligent and circumspect sources of news and opinions easily available? The Inquirer, with the three above leading the parade down hill, has never had to be so mediocre.

  5. Stu, you are right on the column. This is just more “sofa-stry” from the left.

    On the other hand, Bunch did refrain from making the contrast that there are no (as far as we know) photos of Walz in drag, like the now viral one (allegedly) of Vance in a wig and a skirt during his time at Yale law school. https://www.thedailybeast.com/jd-vances-campaign-wont-deny-thats-him-in-viral-drag-photo?ref=scrollback Reportedly Vance’s campaign has not denied its authenticity.

    Perhaps this is because (as you recently wrote): “men in dresses are OK to many Democrats, but it remains weird to many Americans.” To Bunch, maybe it was a distinction without a difference.

  6. It should all be about policies, always. But that, unfortunately, does not sell newspapers or clicks, or whatever it is makes the cable news shows money these days. Look at the policies and make your decision based upon that, not a bunch of bullshit opinions from talking heads on either side of the coin.

    1. DEI means: Don jr., Eric, & Ivanka. 3 leeches totally unqualified for any government job.

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