“I’m tired of the bullshit.”
That was the favorite expression of a guy I worked for (as a side gig) in the ‘60s, whose name was Emory Washington.

He was a rare bird, a Black Republican, a former Marine, a family man and capitalist, who intensely believed in the promise of America.
He also believed you had to work for it.
Which is why he was not a Democrat, a party more inclined to handouts than hands up, he believed.
He published a national magazine, called Black Careers, out of an office at 52nd & Chestnut. He was the editor and publisher, I was the managing editor, executing his vision, while he handled the business side. It was just the two of us, assisted by his wife and kids, who called me Uncle Stu. That’s because ours was much closer than a business relationship.
When I listen to what passes for political discourse, I think of Emory, because I am tired of the bullshit.
The bullshit from the right about how “Kamala Harris did not receive a single vote” to gain the nomination.
Why the f—- do you care? I ask myself.
Because of your deep love of democracy and the Constitution, while calling “patriots” the Jan. 6 rioters who hoped to overturn an election.
Maybe Democrats have a right to complain about how Harris was selected, following the rules of the Democratic Party, but do you MAGA heads think anyone gives a crap about how you feel about Kamala Harris?
Just Friday morning I was listening to WPHT/1210-AM and hearing the same bullshit from a fill-in host who said his shift would be complete at the end of the 10 o’clock hour. No, dummy, you leave the air at the start of the 10 o’clock hour.
Normally I wouldn’t mention a minor slip, except they — both sides — pounce on any misstatement.
Anyway this dude, Sean something — I only listened for a few minutes — beat the familiar drum that “they” told Democrats to hate Kamala Harris until a few weeks ago, and now “they” have issued “marching orders” to treat her as a god.
This comes from the political right that acts like a cult, and would like to enshrine the Christian God in public schools.
The facts are these: Kamala Harris was less popular than Joe Biden until he dropped out, and now she is more popular than he, as reflected in her rise in the polls.
Which must be one of the great turnarounds in American politics, eclipsing even Richard Nixon — if she is elected, and that is a big “if.” Her dramatic and stunning turnaround ought to have the GOP plenty worried. I think her explosion of popularity is just relief Biden has been sent to the home.
The Wingnut Right throws around words like socialist, communist, and Marxist without even knowing what they mean. They also make a thing of squawking she gives the same speech at every campaign stop. She does. It is called a stump speech. Almost all candidates, even Donald J. Trump do that, but — to be fair — Trump departs from the stump speech on the TelePrompTer to deliver his truly unhinged ad libs.
For its part, the Loony Left is infatuated with words (channeling Hillary Clinton here) like “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic.” (She left out anti-Semitic, an unforced error that did not matter to the majority of American Jews who vote Democrat like their patellar being struck. As Milton Himmelfarb once said, “Jews earn like Episcopalians, but vote like Puerto Ricans.”)
Democrats slap that deplorable tag — which helped energize the Trump base — on the opinions of anyone who dares disagree.
Over on the MAGA side, take issue with any utterance by Donald J. Trump, and you suffer from TDS — Trump Derangement Syndrome.
No, my observation is that it is Trump who is deranged with his repeated references to “wonderful man” Hannibal Lechter, and speculating about whether it is preferable to be electrocuted by an electric boat or be eaten by a shark.
But — listen up Democrats — he never suggested that anyone drink or inject bleach. When you say that, it is a lie, and you know it is a lie.
Nor was he referring to neo-Nazis when he said there were “very fine people, on both sides.” He was talking about the debate over taking down statues of Confederate generals, not the Charlottesville tiki torch guys.
And when he said “bloodbath” if he was not elected, he was talking about the effects on the domestic auto industry.
So stop the bullshit.
Just the other day someone on Facebook challenged me to deny that the Democratic Party is under the control of Marxists and radical billionaire George Soros.
I said that was easy to deny, that in the past few months two members of the notorious Squad were beaten in primaries by more moderate Democrats.
Does the Far Left — including anti-Israel and anti-Semitic elements — have too much sway in the Democratic Party?
For me, yes, but nowhere near a majority.
In the last week Democrats have fixated on the word “weird” to describe Republicans.
This from a party of breast-feeding men and jurists who can’t define “woman”?

A party that appoints luggage-stealing men in dresses to high positions?
Look, so maybe men in dresses are OK to many Democrats, but it remains weird to many Americans.
Right-wing talk-show hosts talk about “dementia Joe” as if he had been medically diagnosed, and hard Leftists shout “Genocide Kamala” at the Democratic candidate.
And what is this puppy love obsession if they haven’t seen Biden for two days? They want to see more of him? I never hear Democrats complain they don’t see enough of Trump.
And don’t get me started on “the media.” Those who squawk loudest about it don’t seem to understand that Fox News, the Wall Street Journal and talk radio are all part of “the media,”which some conservatives (hello, Rich Zeoli) insist on referring to the “corporate media.”
Fox News is owned by a corporation.
So is Audacy, Zeoli’s home base.
Are they part of the “corporate media,” or do they get a pass because they goose step to their own beat? (Sorry.)
I remember when conservatives thought corporations were a good thing. It was the Left that hated them.
A woman posts on Facebook that the media covered up an attack on U.S. forces in Syria.
I ask where she got the idea there was a coverup, since I had seen reports on many platforms.
She was told that, she replied, by her mother, because she herself does not have cable.
So I provided her with links to reports on NBC and CBS broadcast networks, as well as The New York Times.
The fact she lives — by her own admission — in a news-free environment did not stop her from posting falsehoods.
And yet, some people out there will repeat, and believe, her fact-free statement because they are too dense or lazy or partisan to question it.
And this is before we get overwhelmed by Artificial Intelligence fakes.
And each party calls the other a danger to democracy.
Are they both right?
Or are you tired of the bullshit?
Stu, I am completely tired of the bullshit coming from both sides, but especially from that orange-skinned POS.
Surprisingly even-handed treatment of political bullshit, Stu,
Although, IMHO, the would-be king of political bullshitters was not provided nearly enough criticism (and even got some cover).
While your otherwise thoughtful comments needed saying, we know the BS will continue and even swell to new levels of unprecedented lows; neither side can help itself. But thank you for trying to spare your sane, reasonable readers from the slings and arrows of outrageous invectives.
I am surprised that you find my treatment even-handed. That is my wheelhouse.
As to too little anti-Trump, the Trumpsters would disagree, and I have pilloried many of his ideas in the past.
One must sift through TONS of rocks in order to find ONE OUNCE of gold. This is similar to finding political truth: LOADS of political bullshit to find an ounce of truth. America has gone mad.
Absolutely tired of the 5th grade insults. Weird, couch, and horses as legitimate words have been denigrated by the level of these sophomoric slurs.
Yes most of us are tired of BS, I appreciate your candor; we have communicated about truth in political ads. There is a big difference between disingenuous politicians telling lies and twisting the truth with a straight face and hyperbole. Talk is just talk, personalities are what they are; let’s look at candidates records in the jobs they had, let’s think for ourselves. The issue with who we elect really is what will things look like 8-16, 20 years from now. Will our children, grandchildren, society be better off, better educated, etc? What role will government be playing in lives? Will we/they be paying 40 tax? will folks who were thrifty and smart see the fruits of their efforts intended for family or their favorite charity taken by the tax man to fund programs that discourage participation in society and encourage tapping your beak into the $tream? What really are the threats to democracy? Who is doing it? Those of us with “historical perspective” (we’ve been around the block) will not be here to see how it turns out but we do care, and we can see the trend. What do you see? How are things there? Take a look at all the big cities; what are the trends in certain states. Unfortunately very very few in the media are intellectually honest. of course disagree if you like.
Forget the bullshit and just look at the results. Are we better off now than we were 4 years ago.
Now THAT’S the original BS Line if ever there was one in the political realm. Of course we are not better now than we were 4 years ago! That’s the US political cycle – and, in reality, never-ever gets better – things just seem to degrade going forward with each 4-year cycle. It’s our historic content.
It has less to do with results…it’s just destiny.
Just about Everything got better when Trump became president. That’s a fact. Just about everything went down hill under Biden. Harris can not defend the Biden Harris administration that’s why she won’t speak to the press. It’s impossible to defend this massive failure. Can’t wait for the debates.
The only thing that improved during the tRUMP era was his lie-ability.
That’s an ignorant statement.
Danny, you are as big a POS as your orange-skinned B-Boy is.
Another ignorant statement
100% Right Daniel
I hope Trump will ignore any attacks on Ms. or Mx. Harris and focus only on kitchen table issues at the debate(s) — stay away from race, gender, or any other traps she will set an block out the noise. Force her to defend her record and her policies. That is the way to win. Let her insult him and call him a “felon” and a “rapist” or whatever. We already know it’s Fani and Alvin supporters vs. everyone else and those deciding will be either suburban folks, independents, or moderates in swing states. I truly feel she will win but for all the wrong reasons. Yet again it is TDS that is fueling her popularity.
Oh PLEASE let t then have a debate on the actual issues and policies. Let them talk about his non-existent “healthcare plan.” Let him tell us his plan to keep social security viable. I would LOVE to see him held to account for once. Bring it.
Trump can’t do that on his best day, and he still needs to defend denying the election was fair and asking his VP to overturn the results.
Right. That’s why I cut the cable!
Great blog, Stu. I agree, cut not only the bullshit, but also quit the childish name calling as well.
This is exactly what the No Labels Party has been attempting to offer us as the moderate, intelligent, fair, balanced, not left and not right extremist points of view of both main parties.
Their observation is that most voters are quite happy, comfortable and supportive of policies nearer the midfield. Yet both Democrats and Republicans are in their respective end zones with their extreme postures, hence the tall tales and lies, unfortunately seeking the most naive, gullible and uninformed of the voters, of which there are millions and millions.
Makes you want to raise the voting age back up to at least 21 again; maybe to 25 or 30 for more mature voters to strengthen the US. What do 18 year olds know?
And yet some would lower it to 16!
Another sentient column, Stu.👍
Thank you.
I’m far more tired of Americans being the stupidest people on earth. Why do I say that? Because “Wheel of Fortune” is “America’s Game,” the Dallas Cowboys are “America’s Team” and donald trump–a man whose entire being and life contradicts everything America is supposed to stand for and be against–may yet again be president.
Clear out the stupidity and you’ll clear out most of the bullshit…