Tom Cruise — good for him — has proved himself America’s most bankable movie star with his “Top Gun: Maverick” movie shattering all Memorial weekend records, like his jet shattering the sound barrier.
He is durable, he remains a heart throb, but one thing he has never been is an Everyman.

That garment fits Tom Hanks, another bankable star, but one far more relatable to the average American. He is now 65.
The Everyman before Hanks was James Stewart, who played a wide variety of roles — from cowboy to Manhattanite — but always as someone you’d want to have a chat with.
Jack Lemmon then had a turn as an Everyman.
Denzel Washington’s many action and heroic roles keep him from being an Everyman. He, too, is bankable, but he is 67.
I think playing a conscious hero removes you from the Everyman category.
That’s why Matt Damon isn’t on my list.
Could it be Ryan Renolds? He’s often a regular guy, but has been a hero in several Marvel Comic films, most notably the tongue-in-cheek Deadpool.
Samuel L. Jackson? He is really watchable, but Everyman? Not even as a commercial pitchman.
Leonardo DiCaprio and George Clooney? Too pretty.
Dwayne Johnson? Close, but too muscular.
Michael B. Jordan? Too heroic.
Just my opinion and I’m sure I am missing some.
Who would you nominate?
Idris Elba, a fine actor suitable in any role.
Like Denzel, too many “hero” roles.
Paul Newman for me.
I am seeking someone alive.
I read you wrong. How about local boy Bradley Cooper.
Excellent choice!
Totally agree…
how about Liz Cheney? She’s shown more courage than most members of the GOP.
Not an actor, not male. Not everything is political.
Like you, I have met people from all walks of life. foreign and domestic. Some of the royalty were down to earth. Maybe that low profile helped with the realities of life.
Back home, when the ‘shields’ were down and the feet were up on a table with a glass in his hand, Frank Rizzo more than fit the bill.
Looking for a living actor.
Kevin James
Off-beat choice.
I can see it.
Johnny Depp is not in that category, hopefully his career can get resurrected and he may be considered as a box office draw in the future.
I think that Kevin Bacon could have been an Everyman, but has played (well) too many villains. DItto Michael Caine, although I am not sure Brits are eligible for the crown.
I agree with all your points.
Hey, how about Jeff Goldblum?
He’s 4 years older than Hanks. We need younger.
Sam Rockwell.
Like his work. He is 53 (and looks older.) 🙂
Stu, great article to discuss over dinner…. We came up with 2………
Benjamin Cumberbatch (boss’ choice)
Christian Bale…
Bale was Batman and another hero. But Cumberbatch… Intriguing. Maybe a Brit can be n Everyman.
Speaking of the Brits, I would go with Damian Lewis. Remember him as US Army Major Richard Winters in Band of Brothers?
Honestly, no. Do not remember him
How about Ryan Reynolds? A bit of a smart-ass, but adaptable to many roles.
Really like him, but he’s been a comic superhero. Maybe that’s not a problem.
How about James Spader.
Like him, but he’s almost as old as Hanks.
Lou Costello.