What happened to Girl Scout Samoas cookies?

It was believed that in it’s forward slither to cleanse any offense, real or imagined, from American life, Wokeism had attacked a cherished (and tasty) institution — the Girl Scout cookie..

Funds raised by the sale of cookies fund various Girl Scout activities, as well as community projects. Each year, around 200 million cookies are sold, raking in about $800 million. All net proceeds stay local.

Fun Fact: Girl Scout cookies are kosher (Jewish dietary law) and halal (islamic dietary law).

Fun Falsehood: In the past, some conservative groups organized so-called "cookiecotts," believing that cookie sale proceeds went to support Planned Parenthood.

That was a false rumor, as was the one that Samoas cookies had been canceled.

They are still with us, according to the Girl Scout fwebsite.

A favorite meme

Why did some people believe they were canceled?

Because the Girl Scouts licenses two bakeries — ABC Bakers and Little Brownie Bakers — and each Girl Scout Council decides which to contract with, and the two bakeries use different names for the (almost) same cookies. So what one bakery calls Samoas is called Caramel deLites by the other. (The recipes are slightly different.) Do-si-dos are Peanut Butter Sandwiches, and Tagalongs are Peanut Butter Patties.

The Girl Scouts say that 100% of the net profits from Girl Scout cookie sales, or about 65 to 75% of the cost of each box, stays in the local community. (The rest covers the cost of making the cookies, packaging, shipping, etc.).

Thin Mints is the most popular Girl Scout cookie.

Samoas had been my favorite, and now I know to order Caramel deLites if I don’t see Samoas.