In a generally forward-looking, brusque, and patriotic inaugural address, President Donald J. Trump went off the rails toward the end, making promises that were unenforceable, silly, or dangerous.

Unenforceable is his desire to rename the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America.
He can call it the Gulf of Borscht for all anyone cares, but the International Hydrographic Organization names and charts international bodies of water. Map makers will not be following Trump’s goofy whim.
As President, he can rename Alaska’s Mt. Denali, its indigenous name, back to honoring President William McKinkey, although I see this as No. 235 on things Americans care about. Even most Alaskans prefer Denali.
The dangerous idea is his statement about the Panama Canal: “We are taking it back.” Reason? It is controlled by China, he said. And that is the first falsehood of his new term. It is not controlled by China.
Before he went off the rails, the opening of his address targeted one of his two campaign topics — illegal immigration.
He promised to declare a national emergency on the Southern border, and declaring the cartels terror organization. He would reinstate “wait in Mexico,” and end “catch and release.” He also said he’d get the military to enforce the border.
He would target criminal aliens. He did not talk numbers he would deport, probably wisely.
He would also declare a “national energy emergency” to deal with inflation, which was the second of his two great campaign issues. He said he would direct his cabinet to bring down the cost of things, and the first weapon in this fight would be expanding energy resources, and also tariffs.
The first will piss off environmentalists — along with his pledge to end the electric vehicle mandate and the green new deal — and the second will fly in the face of economists’ warnings that tariffs will bring higher prices.
His plans would usher in what he called the “golden age of America,” and would always put America first. In red meat to his base, he said the U.S. would recognize only two genders — male and female. Did this fall under his promise to “unify” America?
In all modesty, reflecting on his near assassination, he said God put him here to “make America great again.”
He promised America would be a manufacturing nation again, he would create an External Revenue Service to collect from foreigners, restore government efficiency, stop governmental censorship, return law and order to cities, drop social engineering from the military.
And more.
Is it possible?
“The impossible is what we do best,” he said.
He is a disgrace. He lies like I breath — easily and without thought. I loathe the idea of having to hear his stupidy for the next four years, and my expectations for what he will accomplish could not be lower. America First my ass. It has been, and always will be, Trump First, everyone else second.
Indeed Freeze.
Aren’t you glad we have a cease fire in the Middle East because of Trump.
Aren’t you glad that the border is finally secure.
This pretty much sums up how I feel. Although it’s more like 4 years of exposing myself to much less media in general.
Pardoning the Jan. 6 rioters is really the thing that I can’t find a way to be swallow. He won the election; he gets the right to do the job. I get it. But that’s too far for me.
How many genders do you count Stu?
Gender is a socially constructed concept. There can be as many genders as people who make them up. As for sex, which is biologically determined, there are more than two. There are people born with characteristics that are both male and female — or intersex people of which hemaphrodites are an example.
So help me here—-If I’m shopping for a hermaphrodite at Kohl’s do I head for the Men’s, Women’s or Accessories Department?
That comment was truly worthy of a MAGAt.
Intersex people are about 1.7% of humanity. That’s all the disorders combined.
According to another study other than that of Anne Fausto-Sterling, actual incidence may be as low as 0.02%. The term covers a number of disorders in which phenotypic expression of sex is inconsistent with the sex chromosomes pairing (XX or XY).
Wow, there really are people who think like that. I’m blown away,
Yeah. And there are 70,000,000+ of us.
Better get used to it. 🇺🇸
Authentic cases of intersex people are cases of folks who were born with a disorder in which the phenotypic manifestation of sex is inconsistent with the pairing of the individual’s sex chromosomes. Examples include folks with Klinefelter’s Syndrome and Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, low incidence syndromes appearing in biological males. The first is a result of non dysfunction of chromosomes in the formation of the sex cell of the parent of the child. The second is a genetic disorder that blocks the efficacy of male hormones during the fetal development of the child.
Keep talking about gender and the democrats will never win another election. It’s the economy stupid.
Last time I checked, Facebook offered 57 gender choices. Wanda is correct, I misused gender, as Trump did, when he and I meant sex.
I can define a woman. I can define a man. As noted in a previous reply, 1.7% of humanity is “intersex,” which is all the abnormalities combined. Yes, abnormalities. Nature can make a mistake. You have the occasional white buffalo, black swan, 2-headed pig, and hermaphrodite. With this tiny exception noted, the other 98.3% Is either male or female.
Regarding the tariffs – so he is suggesting it will tax the foreign companies more (ok, let’s assume) and lower that burden from Americans. The otter is where my question is – is he pairing the tax increase with some tax decrease? Is he lowering the tax brackets again as a result of the anticipated increase in external revenue?
*otter = latter
Tariffs are paid by the importer (and the cost is passed on to the consumer) not the exporter nor country of origin.
BTW, Trump🤡 reportedly wanted to rename the Gulf of Mexico after himself, but ‘The Bay of Pigs’ was already taken.
He’s been busy, refilling the ‘Trump Swamp of Mar-a-Lardo’ with billionaires, lobbyists, suck up politicians and cowardly tech bros, far right loons, Magats, and seriously disturbed people like RFK, jr & Kash Patel.
P.S. Trump lies like we breath. He lies bigly & often because he does it to wear people down & become inured to his yuge lies. GOD, please save us from this charlatan, Satan’s spawn Don the Con.
Gulf of Borscht is very funny, I like it.
Trump does say things that go too far, agree, but just to be fair and to place all of this in perspective, wouldn’t it be interesting to compare things that go too far said by Biden and Trump?
In Biden’s four years as President, and in fact, in Biden’s decades in the Senate before, Biden has been almost as much of a liar, exaggerator and a make-it-upper as Adam Schiff, and Schiff is the undisputed Congressional “King of King, Lord of Lords of Liars.”
All in all though, it seems that Trump’s 180 degree change from Biden’s, will be much better for all of us, and will return our country to a normalcy of common sense lost under Biden, that was buried even deeper under the seditious behavior of Pelosi for eight years. So……….
Why is Pelosi not in jail, yet?
Why is a convicted felon like Trump💩not in jail (besides highly partisan judges slowing down cases)?
BTW, Biden inherited both the Covid-19 outbreak and the Afghanistan mess from Trump🤡. Trump made a very bad deal with the Taliban, sidelining the Afghan gov’t and he politicized Covid calling it a “Democrat hoax”.
Thanks to Biden we have the world’s best economy (China’s economy is tanking). And as I look all around I see infrastructure being built/repaired. Trump promised an infrastructure bill (bigly lie) but Biden had one and got it passed. Anyone who thinks Trump🤡 is sane and rational ought to see a psychologist.
Now that is funny.
And Biden was the very model of virtue and integrity-but yes do go on.and on.and on.
Check this blog’s past. You will find PLENTY of Biden criticism.
oh no not you.You are fair minded and level headed( and darn entertaining).It’s the cabal of crazies that comment here frequently that I refer to.You?Please carry on.
That comment was truly worthy of a MAGAt.
We are blessed that President Trump has been re-elected. Thank God.
Back to gender. And this time let’s use common sense instead of fractions. The main argument, and Trump’s point, is that a man should not be allowed on Penn’s women’s swim team. Nor should a man be allowed on San Jose State’s volleyball team. Same for field hockey teams, etc. on all levels. The physical structure is different. Stop catering to the minuscule minority.
“Ah, but a man’s reach should exceed his grasp, Or what’s a heaven for?” — Robert Browning
How come no one has mentioned the disgraceful pardons that Biden dished out to his friends and family. Thank god he is gone and we finally know who’s leading the country. You may not agree with Trump but at least you know where he stands. The country and the world are now in much better hands with a true leader like Trump.
Trump’s blanket pardon has directed attention away from Biden. Stupid politically. And you think he is a genius.
So you think the Biden family Liz Cheney , Gen Millie Dr Fauci and others are guilty. And Trump should go after them.
It hasn’t directed one second of attention away from the criminal and cowardly acts of FJB.
Who is FJB?
Hostages held by Hamas terrorists in Gaza. And January 6th hostages.
He talks about one. And immediately switches to talk about the other.
As if there’s anything in common between members of those groups.
They’re polar opposites when it comes to morality and should not be spoken of interchangeably.
The very fact that “Before he went off the rails…” doesn’t cause anyone to so much as bat an eyelash is a problem. Sadly, that’s Uncle Don.
But only for 4 more years or until those 9 cokes a day finally take their toll. Honestly I will be surprised to see him finish his term due to his age (no other reason). I’ll be patient enough to see what the results are. Nothing I heard so far makes me think inflation or prices will drop. An Energy emergency is a joke. But time will tell. If he makes this stuff worse, voters will react.
I believe President Trump mentioned shutting the border down, only 2 sexes, rounding up illegal aliens, pardoning J6 people, building the wall etc, many times during his campaign stops. No surprises here. He took all the swing states and got the majority of the votes. Looks like the majority of the voters agreed with his platform.
Can’t argue with that.