Trump creates alternate reality for his TAS cult
It is indisputable to any thinking person that Russia is a foe of the U.S.

It is a unique, profound, new kind of blind stupidity and amnesia that Donald J. Trump has unleashed in America.
By his untethered-from-fact public statements, he has created a de facto enemies list that includes Mexico, Canada, Europe, NATO, Ukraine, with Greenland and Panama on the standby list.
Countries on the friends list? Russia, China, Hungary, Argentina, and North Korea.
Trump is the author of Alice in Americaland. It is batshit crazy.
This is a total reversal of American interests since at least World War II, and I am astounded and dismayed by the TAS class that dumbly, and I do mean dumbly, applauds Trump’s scorched earth diplomatic insanity of insulting friends and butt-smooching enemies.
TAS = Trump Agreement Syndrome.
They go along with every unhinged utterance he makes. They embrace the greatest suspension of disbelief outside of a movie theater. They have all selected the blue pill of alternate reality. [Movie reference: The Matrix.]
The knee jerk response of the TAS cult members to any objection is to proclaim that the critic suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome, mindlessly parroting a phrase they were taught. Critics like me.
Again, their blue pill. The red pill of reality is that I have given Trump public praise for border enforcement, Operation Warp Speed, the Space Force, cutting the head off the ISIS snake, hostage releases, being anti-PC, banning men from women’s support, and the Abraham accords.
The TAS bots throw around the term TDS because they lack the mental acuity to formulate coherent arguments. Critical thinking is as foreign to them as the ability to assemble actual, verifiable facts. They reject all legitimate sources to the left of Info Wars.
I am not addressing every Trump supporter. I am looking at the lockstep MAGA heads, the True Believers, the drones, the TAS.
Despite my wish for a calm life, I do not block these a**holes because I don’t believe in cancel culture. I try to be polite, but the worst of them would try the patience of a saint. Mother Teresa would hit them with a wooden spoon.
About our foreign friends: It may be true that some enjoy out of balance economic relationships with us. The repair for that is discussion and compromise, not condemnation. Not threats, bullying, and browbeating.
When you disagree with your husband, you don’t hit him with a frying pan.
You don’t disown your children when they break curfew.
Adults have adult responses.
Which do not include, by the way, cane-waving interruptions of Presidential addresses, nor applauding such rudeness, and not applauding guests at a joint session of congress. My Democratic buddies, D should also stand for Dignity, something in short supply on your side of the aisle.
It’s not a good look when you act like ranting 2-year-olds.
Or as Sen. John Fetterman put it:

This is not how you attract people to your side. Only 21% of Americans approve of congressional Democrats, according to this poll.
You can’t blame that on Trump. Blame it on your policies and behavior. Are you smelling the coffee?
There is no point appealing to the TAS. They have committed mental hari-kari.
I am hoping most Democrats still are sane and are capable of rational behavior. They should be able to recognize that America has shifted to the right, and should respond accordingly.
In the meantime, I will not let Trump determine who my friends are — either on my block or around the world.
It is indisputable to any thinking person that Russia is a foe of the U.S., and is the barbaric aggressor against Ukraine. Full stop.
For Russia, nyet. For Canada, yes. For Mexico, si. For France, oui. For Germany, ja.
America first should never mean America alone.