Too many good wishes
Thanks to all of you who took the trouble to wish me well. There are so many I can’t find them on my iPad.

The Wednesday surgery went off with no hitches. By 5 p.m. the nurses had me taking a few steps. As of Thursday 1:10 a.m., as I write this, there is little pain. Except when I move. 🙂
Thursday morning they check me out to see if I can walk using the walker. I can do that. They want a BM. (Sorry.) Not sure I can do that.
Everyone here at Jefferson has been great — professional, efficient and tolerant of my sometimes edgy jokes. (I have not asked their opinion of working for an institution named after a slave owner. 😉) Nurses are God’s fingers. If you are an atheist, nurses are dog’s fingers.
I should be released Thursday afternoon. Pardon any typos, I am working sitting in my bed, very uncomfortable and hard to see.
But, my Friday 3rd anniversary column was done in advance.