
The 3 questions I must ask illegals

I try to do the right thing, and that gets progressively more difficult in an America that seems genuinely confused about what is “right.”

No, not the assertion that men can give birth. That is absurd on its face, not matter how many wokesters believe it.

DACA protesters at U.S. Capitol (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

I’m talking about a recent court ruling that President Barack Obama’s executive order protecting “Dreamers” was unconstitutional, but allowed it to stand.  

Imagine for a second the courts had found some state’s voting regulation unconstitutional, but allowed it to continue.

It’s hard to imagine something illegal being allowed to continue unmolested.

Obama’s “Dreamers” handiwork, which I support and will explain why in a minute, is better known as DACA — and it has been controversial and challenged since Obama signed it in 2014.

More than controversial, it was ruled illegal last year,   and not for the first time, although that judge said nothing about the order should be changed. Cuckoo. As was true in the past. Cuckoo, cuckoo.

See why I am confused about what is right?

Knowing DACA had been successfully challenged, President Donald J. Trump issued an executive order reversing Obama’s.

A judge ruled Trump did not have the authority to reverse Obama’s order.

So Obama had the executive authority to write the order — that we now know was illegal — but Trump did not have the authority to cancel it. Cuckoo.

But it was the previous  Supreme Court that voted 5-4 against Trump. Would today’s?

And, yes, I know this issue is a lot more complicated. And Congress could fix it, but won’t. 

You could spend all day reading stories on court rulings about Obama’s great leap forward. I am giving you a fair summary in broad strokes.

Getting back to why I support DACA.

When dealing with illegal immigrants, I ask three questions:

1- Did you come here voluntarily?

2- Did you know you were breaking U.S. law?

3- Did you think there would be consequences?

The answer to 1- for adult illegals, is they came here voluntarily.

For 2, they knew they were breaking the law. That’s why they hide in the woodwork.

And 3, yes, they knew there would be consequences, also why they hide.

But DACA — they were brought here as children. It was not voluntary on their part and they should not be punished because of the illegal activity by their parents. That’s not how our justice system works.

They should be allowed to stay, although I know that opens the doors for pleading that their parents should not be deported.

How will they take care of themselves? goes the anguished pleas, because the illegals’ advocates always seek to pluck the heart strings of good-natured Americans. They weaponize our sympathy and turn it against our law.

But that’s a different issue. The kids should be allowed to stay. And if it takes the Supreme Court to decide that, I hope that will happen to cease the endless judicial nonsense. I’d like to know we do what is right.

Stu Bykofsky

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