Elon Musk
Just what did Tesla do to YOU?
When Leftists damage Tesla cars, they are more likely to be hurting a Democrat than a Republican.
Elon Musk
When Leftists damage Tesla cars, they are more likely to be hurting a Democrat than a Republican.
Donald J. Trump
Three times this week, Trump said that the U.S. had given Ukraine “$350 billion,” about double the actual amount of U.S. aid for the country.
That’s according to a Washington Post – Ipsos poll that mirrors findings in other recent polls taking America’s temperature when it comes to the reign of Donald J. Trump. Before digging into the stats, regular followers may recall that I said #47 would go too far (it is in
There hasn’t been such an activist rookie* President since Franklin D. Roosevelt. I used the * because Donald J. Trump is a rookie in his second term, so he’s different from FDR in that way. But not in his ambitions. Not in his desire to expand the powers of
I was watching an MSNBC discussion show Friday morning, with all four panelists agreeing, vociferously, that Donald J. Trump was “anti immigrant” and his deportation plan would inevitably lead to “separation of families.” This can get deep fast because the courts have ruled that while adult illegals can be held
I’m not going to go all Socialist on you — although some of you would like that — but I am going to kick around the idea of what is a “fair” amount of income tax to saddle impose on the rich. And my case in point will be Elon Musk,
Imagine running for your life, from your life in Afghanistan, being able to take only what fits in a knapsack, or a wheeled suitcase. Look at this picture. Everything of value is in the pitifully small carry ons they were permitted to bring. Maybe some money and valuables, but little