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State Rep Brian Sims needs to go

This won’t mean anything to you, unless you live in my neighborhood and are in the 182nd Pennsylvania House district and are represented by Brian Sims, the Progressive Prince Valiant with a couple of flags on his file.

Brian Sims and woman he tried to shame

First elected in 2012, Sims is a lawyer who became the first openly gay member of the legislature. Good — and that seemed somewhat important as he represents what’s called  the Gayborhood. 

I supported him because he ran against uber liberal incumbent Babette Josephs, who was one of the Harrisburglars who voted themselves a pay raise in the dead of the night about a decade ago. She was, as my grandmother would say, a goniff. 

Sims was an alternative to the thief. Then he got to feeling entitled.

Which is worse — personal misconduct, or professional?

Let’s start with personal. 

Sims is pro abortion. That is his right.

There are people who oppose abortion. That is their right.

An older woman was quietly and peacefully picketing a local Planned Parenthood office. That was her right.

Not according to self-appointed Social Justice Warrior Sims, who started screaming at “an old, white woman,” as he called her, which is ageist and sort of racist. “Shame on you,” he shouted at her, repeatedly

With a total lack of self-awareness, he accuses her of “shaming” people coming to Planned Parenthood, as he shames her.

Not content with gender and age bullying, Sims then plays the guilt card.

“If you’re a white person like I am,” he said, “we have a lot of catching up to do. We have a lot to apologize for. We can start by apologizing for this woman.”

What she is doing is “disgusting” and “racist” (of course), he said, while he then belittled her “Christian faith.”

This is not a parody. These are the words of an actual elected representative in a harangue that went on for more than eight minutes.

There was a second video, which was even worse. The Honorable Mr. Sims harangued a mother and two teenage girls, who were protesting abortion.

Looking into the camera, Sims asked anyone viewing the video to identify the woman and to provide him with her address.

Her address? Why would he need that? 

That’s an implicit threat.

In a supreme act of virtue signaling, the preening putz posted the video he shot himself, oblivious to the horrible impact it would have on people who were not in his closed circle of zealots.

Am I too harsh? I think not, because after a (too long) period of time, Sims apologized for his infantile behavior.

The professional issue was ethics charges leveled against Sims, a public servant, for trying to hijack fees from groups who wanted him as a speaker.

Sims’ salary is $86,610, plus a $177 per diem expense account, but it wasn’t enough for the goniff.

As the Billy Penn website reported,  after a three-year ethics probe into Sims’ travel fees and speaking gigs, the verdict was “three technical violations of the Pennsylvania Ethics Act.”

He was fined a paltry $750.

Technical shmechnical. 

When Sims ran against incumbent Josephs, she was not guilty of even a “technical” violation, but he was on her for her conduct, which was not as bad as his later conduct would be. 

On June 2, voters in the 182nd have a choice.

If you live there, or know anyone who lives there, urge them to dump the egomaniacal Sims. 

Vote for Democrat Marisa Shaaban. I already have.

Stu Bykofsky

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