
Score a double for Joe Biden

Standing before the back door to Independence Hall, President Joe Biden delivered a forthright political address, but did it in a slightly unusual way.

Joe Biden goes political and patriotic

Sounding almost like a cleric at the lectern, when Biden talked about the promise and purpose of America, he spoke in frankly patriotic terms that might make  some of his supporters squirm — looking at you, The Squad and AOC. America was the most powerful idea in the history of the world, he said.

Patriotism from a Democrat. Will wonders never cease?

He used the term “We the People” — the opening phrase of the U.S. Constitution nine times, and scolded those who do not respect the will of the people.

That would be Donald J. Trump and what Biden called “MAGA Republicans” who do not accept the result of the election and who resort to actual violence, or the language of violence. 

To them, Biden said, it’s either “we won” or “we were cheated.”

Clearly, they are the enemies to the soul of the nation, and this is a theme other Democrats will mimic.

The speech ran 24 minutes, and on Thursday night Biden stuck to the script, avoiding meandering and puzzling anecdotes. Corn Pop remained on the bench. Biden was focused and animated. Even Fox News will have trouble mocking his delivery.

He checklisted some of his achievements — infrastructure, gun safety law, reduced medicine costs, action on energy.

He acknowledged “the last few years have been tough,” but did not name check inflation and a rising crime wave.

Biden does not have a sparking speechwriter, his most memorable phrases came from the Constitution.

Nor is he an inspiring speechmaker, but this speech was a clean double.

MAGA Republicans will continue the senility attack, of course, but Biden showed he’s still got a few good punches to throw.

Stu Bykofsky

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