I know most people who support Sanctuary Cities (or states, or counties) feel virtuous, as if they are helping the downtrodden.
They are.

They are also helping criminals, defined as someone who is breaking U.S. law.
“Oh, but it is a very low-level crime,” the progressives smugly reply.
So is shoplifting, but it can destroy an honest bodega owner. Large merchants compensate by raising their prices on the rest of us.
Even “small crime” hurts us as a nation. To paraphrase the late Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, it defines dishonesty down.
The popular-on-the-Left “it don’t matter” thinking brought us a crop of district attorneys who don’t prosecute shoplifting.
Consequence: More shoplifting, which often upgrades to smash and grab crimes in pharmacies, department stores and jewelry shops. You have seen the video from all across the nation.
Lack of enforcement against bad behavior breeds more bad behavior. Every reasonable adult knows that, certainly every parent.
Defined generally, “sanctuaries” refuse to help federal enforcement officials — such as ICE, an arm of the Department of Homeland Security — apprehend and remove those here illegally.
Removal is U.S. law. And “no one is above the law,” we keep hearing. Except for Democrats, because of the 300 “sanctuaries” across America, including 11 states, I can’t think of one that is run by Republicans. Democrats own this. Check the “strong liberal” stat. More than 2/3s of them condone thwarting U.S. law. This is bragging rights among the woke.

“Sanctuaries” impede U.S. law. That is undeniable. Opposing santuaries is not opposing immigration. It is opposing unrestricted immigration.
Some try to justify their actions with the false claim that immigration law is ”racist.” Maybe once, but not since 1965 when the law was rewritten and turned on its head. Today, not one of the top 10 countries of origin of legal immigrants is white. Not complaining, stating fact.
Here is the usual illogical sanctuary line of reasoning:
“These are poor people seeking a better life and they haven’t hurt anyone.”
The first half may be true, but many of the “poor” managed to pay thousands of dollars to coyotes to smuggle them across the border. And coyotes are part of crime cartels.
There are millions of poor people who want a better life. Can we take them all? No.
The illegals have hurt someone.
First, they have hurt all of us by placing their wants over our law. They could do what untold millions of immigrants have done — take a number and wait their turn. But they are too self-centered for that.
Second, by being willing to work for less, usually off the books, they depress wages and that does hurt someone.
Black Americans. They often have to compete with illegals for low-wage jobs.
So when you are wildly virtue signaling your compassion, please know you are hurting your fellow Americans.
Do you know? Do you care?
In the broader, societal sense, “sanctuaries” nullify national law. Local officials, whether governors or mayors, while bleating how “welcoming” they are, set themselves above laws passed by Congress.
That is as undemocratic as anything they accuse MAGA of.
They say “no one is above the law,” but their actions place the illegals above the law.
It takes awesome gall.
Now there is talk of creating a pathway to citizenship for them, which rewards bad behavior and mocks legal immigrants who did things the right way. Rewarding bad behavior encourages more of that.
Why would Democrats encourage bad behavior?
Ah, so they will vote for them.
How incredibly cynical and unAmerican.
In Philadelphia and elsewhere, government workers — from health care to teachers to police — are forbidden to even ask the citizenship status of anyone. That is done to prevent anyone else from blowing the whistle on those “who live in the shadows.”
They are in the shadows because they are in the wrong. They know it and the jurisdictions know it. And they don’t care, because they get to feel virtuous.
All this encourages others who don’t like law to simply ignore it.
While the “sanctuaries” for illegals are in Blue areas, do you know what you are getting in Red areas? Second Amendment sanctuaries in jurisdictions that say they won’t enforce any national gun laws they don’t like.
How does that sound?
To me, it sounds like a national, breakdown of respect for the rule of law, where everyone gets to choose which laws to obey. Anarchy, anyone?
If it keeps up, maybe we will have Free Living Sanctuaries that won’t enforce laws against any kind of discrimination against minorities of any sort — racial, religious, gender, etc.
How does that sound?
One thing that defines us is that we are a nation of law. No one — Left, Right, Center — can be allowed to tear that down.
Finally, and undeniably, “sanctuaries” amount to Open Borders.
Mostly, the “sanctuary” supporters I know deny they are for Open Borders. They haven’t thought it through.
Broadly defined, Open Borders is a system that allows anyone to settle in a country free from regulation.
It is “Come one, come all.”
And that was the system in America a very long time ago, a time when we needed all the unskilled labor we could pull out of the rest of the world, notably Europe.
That is not the case today. And the uninvited guests are pouring across the border in record numbers.

In a sanctuaries like Philadelphia, which will not even voluntarily surrender convicted foreign felons to ICE, anyone who gets here can stay here, without documentation of any sort.
That is the definition of Open Borders.
If you are honest, you can’t say you are for a sanctuary but not for Open Borders.
Honestly, you are. They are the same.
And Open Borders will sink America because we can’t handle the untold millions who would flood here seeking a better life if they could.
Open Borders is a death sentence for America.
You’re not going to get a disagreement from me on this one. The immigration situation in this country is a complete mess. And illegal is illegal and if we don’t have the rule of law, we become a failed state. Just two points — I wish there was SOME attempt at controlling this from the employer side. The employers who gladly hire these people are making out like bandits because they get desperate, hard working individuals who they can take advantage of and treat as inhumanely as they want. That goes for TFG who was found to be hiring them at Mar A Lago while talking out of the other side of his face and building his stupid wall. Is anyone trying to enforce the law from that end? Nope. And this goes on in all those self righteous states such as Florida and Texas where the women work as house cleaners and the men in landscaping and it’s a don’t ask, don’t tell, wink-wink situation for decades. Second point, is that these people are doing work that our own people will not or cannot. They are hard working and they are skilled. Ask any builder and landscaper here in N.C.
But your point is correct. And both parties have failed miserably at immigration reform.
The solution to the employer problem is to JAIL, not fine, the CEO. Fines are a cost of doing business, jail time is VERY different.
To be fair, employers say they are fooled by fake ID. Well, try harder.
And, oh yeah, jail those who present the fake ID.
To your point.
A cop was killed in a construction site accident ( murder ). This took place on an interstate in Florida.
Not only is the accused ILLEGAL, it seems that ALL of the workers are illegal, many with phony ID from North Carolina .
“Investigation in progress “ !
Wanda, I agree with you. Especially on the employer issue. There needs to be put in place serious jail time and fines for the heads of companies who use these people.
That said, I do feel there needs to be put in place some true, viable compassionate emergency way of allowing some people to quickly enter our country.
Yes H. I agree 100% with that as well. Unfortunately neither party has managed to do that. As a country we are better than this and certainly better than tormenting and lying to Venezualan families fleeing from their failed country. I have a lot of mixed feelings about this as my family were poverty stricken Holocaust survivors (who weren’t wanted here either I might add). But we did come legally and we did suffer a lot of nastiness outside of our immigrant group. Having said that, we did rise above the hatred of cretins and became successful. But again we came here legally and if we don’t have an orderly and legal process, we become a failed state as well.
Key phrase — orderly and legal.
The phrase ‘open borders’ is an oxymoron; and those in favor of open borders or sanctuary for illegals are merely morons.
One day in the not-too-distant future, historians shall look back over the wreckage of the USA and marvel that the government itself was complicit in the destruction.
Now, a prediction: In November, the Left will hold onto the House and Senate and the dismantling of the country will continue unabated.
Your right Vince. People see the destruction of our country and they agree who’s at fault. But they will vote for the democrats anyway.
Dan, the idiot!
Your the idiot who will vote for the democrats. You must hate this country.
“You’re”. Learn grammar.
Freeze, welcome back. I am afraid Danny Boy is a lost cause. He has been told multiple times about that yst he fails to learn.
Petty, Freeze.
Tom Wetten, why is it petty? It has been mentioned to Dan about inability to comprehend English, but he ignores it. If he does not care enough to correct his errors, he deserves what he gets.
Hi Freeze! Missed you here. I agree with H. This guy is a hateful person and beyond learning anything. Now that I for sure have his number, I refuse to interact with him.
I think a person who is for murdering babies is hateful.
Everyone loves the grammar police.
Dan, almost no one loves the anti Semitic idiot. In case you do not know, I am talking about you.
Because I don’t believe in unrestricted abortions I’m anti semitic.
Stu, the ony things I will say about your post are: Well said, and I agree with you.
Happy to hear that.
I tried this about 2 hours ago.
Last week a Florida cop was killed. Read the memorial on OFFICER DOWN MEMORIAL PAGE. Org.
The accused is ILLEGAL as is most of the workers, who happen to have phony ID from North Carolina.
I can’t remember when the feds cracked down on employers hiring “illegals “. ( ? 70s or 80 s) that was when the ‘I -9’ form came into existence.
So what happened to the law and the enforcement of same ?
Here is the government’s dirty little secret that ENCOURAGES illegals to be hired: did you know it is ILLEGAL for a potential employer to check the legitimacy of a social security number BEFORE someone is hired? Only AFTER the person is hired can the employer legally check the social security number. Thus, employers hire employees, then check the SS numbers for legitimacy once the hiree is on payroll. Now, why would the US Government have such a rule? The cynic in me believes it is because the illegal that is hired (and who may work for only a few days before being caught in an SS number check) gets paid for the few days of work and from whose paycheck FICA MONEY IS DEDUCTED. That FICA money goes into a dead fund, never to be paid to anyone because the earner of the money was illegal. All the government has to do is make it legal for an employer to check the SS number being presented BEFORE hiring.
Actually Vince,
Back when I used to work for a living, the ‘ game ‘ was quite simple. You would go onto a project and use an alias. We called it ‘phonying up’! Everyone was aware of it, and therefore it was condoned. The employer would NOT pay ANYTHING into the deductibles ! You the employee was able to collect unemployment and everyone else got cheated out of their rightful FICA, City, state and federal taxes PLUS the health and welfare benefits that we all were entitled to.
I would bring this fact up at the union meeting. “ we would argue for these benefits and have to pay more than we should because of all of the scams”.
With that said, I was told to sit down and that I was out of order.
Go figure,
Amazing. Never heard this before.
tony, are you not going to chastise Stu today? I looked up the definition of fair-weather-friend and verified what I thought is true. You fit said definition perfectly.
I have never heard that, Vince. Can you verify it?
Hi Freeze! Missed you here. I agree with H. This guy is a hateful person and beyond learning anything. Now that I for sure have his number, I refuse to interact with him.
Oops I don’t know how your system screwed up my last post. At any rate, he cannot verify it insofar as he misconstrues the law. Employers should not be asking for SS #s prior to employment. Putting down a SS# on applications moreover is not a good idea with identity theft being rampant. I never provide mine anywhere but on my taxes. If an employer decides to extend a person an offer, they will eventually need his/her social security number to verify their identity and work authorization and perhaps to complete a background check. However, they don’t need it in the initial hiring phase, nor should be asking for it.
Check the I 9 form. OTHER forms of ID are required, for citizens and non citizens who are here legally.
But whether your surrender your SS before or after hire, your employer still gets it.
With respect, how about the fact I was head of HR for a major engineering/construction company for 16 years and had that problem checking on new hires every year of those 16 years? Again, with respect, is my actual experience sufficient verification?
With respect, I was head of HR for a major engineering/construction company for 16 years and ran into the problem I cited for every one of those 16 years. With respect, is that sufficient verification?
Not without telling us when that was. Laws and rules change. From what Tony said, and me looking at a current I9 form, SS is not requested.
Agreed. I retired in 2005, so things may have changed. But the illegally earned FICA money was substantial income to the feds, so I suspect the rules have not changed. I will check to see and let you know what I learn.
Went online to the government SS site for 2022 and it clearly states that employers may verify SS numbers of “HIRED employees” (emphasis mine). Apparently, the rule is still in effect.
Thanks for checking. I note “may” verify, not MUST
a day late and a dollar short.
Vince & Stu,
The feds instituted the I-9 form to ‘verify legal status of ALL future employees. The employer was tasked with completing the form as the employee showed the required credentials. Further, the employer, as best as possible, verified the authenticity of such credentials. Back in the day, ‘phonies’ were easier to spot than today. The credentials produced today look better than the originals .
The E Verify is simply a fast track, nothing more. It isn’t till the credentials run through the system that the problems were found. Case in point. When we traveled here in the states, we actually supported our home – at home and our home on the road. To get extra money, we would claim tax exempt. The employer had no choice but to accept that ‘signed form’. Eventually, the IRS would contact the employer and tell them to withhold all taxes at the highest rate, because we were not eligible for tax exempt. ( we were long gone by the time that that happened )
When an illegal working in the US receives his or her 1st paycheck they need a social security number so the FICA, state & Local payroll taxes can be paid. A social security number is similar to a fingerprint. You have it for a lifetime. When an undocumented employee uses a legitimate social security number of an honest employed individual that is when alarms are triggered. An example, A fictional honest employed American, Maria Gomez works 20 hours a week at a daycare in Philadelphia. Maria Gomez has four children aged four, six, eleven and 13. The fathers of the children are not involved in the children’s lives. Maria Gomez has to care for her children as best as she can. She receives cash (aid for dependent children), food stamps (SNAP), help with utility bills (Liheap) and section 8 rental assistance. Her yearly income is 14,000 a year. Maria Gomez is trying the best she can for her family to live a decent life. However the Department of Welfare is notified that Maria Gomez is employed in Chester County at a mushroom manufacturing plant as a full time employee earning 55,000 a year. This notification triggers an investigation to determine the real income of Maria Gomez. While investigation is conducted Maria Gomez’s benefits may or may be stopped. The investigator visits the childcare employment location in Philadelphia and finds Maria Gomez working. The investigator visits the Chester County plant. The HR department refers the investigator to the company’s legal department and denies entry of the investigator to the manufacturing plant. The next day the legal department sends an email to the investigator and reports the employee in question did not show up for work and it is believed the questionable employee has moved from the area with no forwarding address or contact numbers. So the social security number used for payroll distribution will trigger a follow up investigation. Like I said the e verify program has a lot of holes.
The rule of law in our society is fading quickly. Employers report illegal immigrants have provided valid identification for employment purposes. Investigations have revealed these employees have stolen valid identification and social security numbers of law abiding citizens. The e verify program has a lot of holes in it. The rule of law in my city (Philadelphia) is a joke. The driving equity bill, release of violent individuals arrested for gun possession, non-enforcement of shoplifting laws are pointing toward a third world city. Constant carjackings, shootings, homicides and fatal leaving the scene vehicle accidents contribute to the daily mayhem. Our local, state and federal governments need to realize the conditions and make the necessary changes so our country can live without fear or threats of crime. Illegal immigration and lack of enforcement contributes to this mayhem.
The rule of law IS under attack. You mentioned many. Sanctuary is one.
Anyone who suggests that the Republicans EVER presented a solution to this issue is kidding themselves. As Wanda stated above, both parties have failed to properly address this issue. I laugh at Daniel’s constant demonization of the Democratic Party over this issue. Talk about clueless. Go take a look back at the past 40 years, genius, and tell me how many years Democrats have held both the Senate and House as the Republicans did from 2015-2019. I’ll help you since you probably can’t work the Google machine: Dems held both houses from 2009-2011 ONLY. In the vast majority of years, we have had a divided House and Senate. And with the filibuster, this has allowed MINORITY rule in these instances. This creates the type of gridlock we constantly see in government. The Republicans LOVE such gridlock during a Democratic administration, because they can then blame Democrats for “doing nothing” (while offering NO solutions themselves) when in fact the Dems are simply unable to do anything because the Senate kills all meaningful legislation. McConnell thinks it’s his job to prevent a Democratic administration from being successful in any way, as that would damage their chances in upcoming elections. It is this exact thought process from either party that harms Americans. I happen to believe that Republicans are way more guilty of this bullshit than Democrats. And I think history backs up my opinion.
Note: Dems also held both houses from1987-1995 as well. Other than that, it has been all Republican or divided houses. Republicans held the Senate for ALL other years except the aforementioned 2015-2019 and 2007-2011. Again, BOTH parties are guilty of not having done a very good job of handling this particular issue.
You crawled out of your hole to bore us with useless information. president trump had a stay in Mexico policy and tried to build a wall. Now crawl back in and don’t come back until you have something stupid to say.
See how much good it does to try to reason with pinheads freeze? This is the guy who castigates me for adhering to my religious beliefs with regard to maternal health. It’s a waste of time engaging him or Anthony and I am not going to do either. Although I did take one parting shot at Anthony who doesn’t think that we know that it is not legal to hire illegal immigrants. Have a good evening. I’m done here. Time for me to get back to my poll observer training. I’m happy to report that we are doing a bang up job getting people registered and making appointments to take people to early voting in my precinct and county. Folks are mobilized!
Goodbye wicked wanda
Both parties share the guilt on immigration but only ONE party goes Sanctuary.
Only one party is for open borders
I said that. Did you read my post or do you have short term memory loss?
Have you figured out how much the Democrats are paying me? And your evidence for it?
I don’t know how much they pay you. But I hope they keep up with inflation.
In other words, no evidence, just a stupid idea you pulled out of your arse.
Take a look at the last 2 years. Who made this mess. High inflation, open borders energy independence gone , country and the world in chaos.
Everyone agrees with Stu’s post. He points out one democratic crisis after another. Yet he endorses people who will continue the same policies.
Because they are better than ELECTION DENIERS, in other words either liars or ayeholes.
I wish you would get over the last election. You must have short term memory loss. Your side won and they are destroying the country.
And you write how they are doing it All the time . Why don’t you try listening to yourself.
I did not vote for Biden, boob. I voted Libertarian, so “my side” did NOT win.
But you are winning the Stupid Contest.
So you say. Yet you keep endorsing democrats that will continue the same destructive policies.
How stupid is that.
I wish I had a dollar for everyone who says they didn’t vote for Biden.
“Sanctuary cities” poison America. Agreed 100%. However, this poison was not created by Republicans, MAGA, white supremacists, deplorables, etc. Democrats are responsible for this poison, 100%, and that’s not even debatable. They are also responsible for the border crisis and the oil shortage, which Xiden saw to as soon as he returned to the White House following his inauguration. Day one and just about hour one he ordered Trump Wall construction to be ceased, as did he order the Pennsylvania pipeline closed. These are plain, overt facts that we’ve all seen, already in the history books. So, why all of the arguing? “Democrats” poison America! Bottom line. No gray area here.
Well said.
I clearly said Dems own Sanctuary Cities.
And it needs repeating and all their other insane policies because we can’t count on the media. Vote straight Republican!
okay boys and girls,
I did a little research:
1) …after Nov. 6, 1986. All U.S. employers, regardless of size, must comply with Form I-9 requirements
2)I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
Use Form I-9 to verify the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States. All U.S. employers must properly complete Form I-9 for each individual they hire for employment in the United States. This includes citizens and noncitizens. Both employees and employers (or authorized representatives of the employer) must complete the form.
On the form, an employee must attest to his or her employment authorization. The employee must also present his or her employer with acceptable documents evidencing identity and employment authorization. The employer must examine the employment eligibility and identity document(s) an employee presents to determine whether the document(s) reasonably appear to be genuine and to relate to the employee and record the document information on the Form I-9. The list of acceptable documents can be found on the last page of the form. Employers must retain Form I-9 for a designated period and make it available for inspection by authorized government officers.
NOTE: employer fills out the form while verifying documents
3)Social Security Card:
We can accept only certain documents as proof of U.S. citizenship. These include a U.S. birth certificate or a U.S. passport.
if no birth cert;
Religious record made before the age of five showing your date of birth;
U.S. hospital record of your birth.
U.S. passport.
these must be current:
U.S. driver’s license.
State-issued non-driver identification card.
U.S. passport.
Sounds like a lot of work for an ordinary person. A professional will run these documents off as if they were pictures of hot …..
part two:
still HAPPY MONDAY !!!
Upon further googling, here’s what I found out about illegal hiring.
Penalties for Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrants. This gets quite lengthy, but naturally, we’re talking about the feds who spell out each and every detail. Too bad people are not more aware of these unused or little used laws.
Employers should also be informed about the Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act. An employer can be prosecuted under the RICO act for hiring illegal immigrants.
Not too surprising. I was right STILL ! The I-9 form has been around since the ’80s and you can be penalized for hiring, harboring and other stuff…..
Imagine if more people on this blog researched before they put their foot in their mouth…..
Thanks for the research
I think we all know that it is not legal to hire illegal immigrants you cretin. We’ve all been employed I believe. What we ARE saying that the law is not enforced; no one is going after the wealthy employers of illegal immigrants and there is a lot of underground economy nod-nod, wink-wink going on. And your hero, the chief MAGAt, was even guilty of it at his castle on the beach’s cleaning crew.
awlllll, you poor baby you. Did little wanda run out of cheap insults ? poor baby. I was hoping for at least one real reason why you three ( moe , larry and curline ) are so in favor of the dark side. None of you – repeat None of you have added anything of value to this blog.
No wanda, dearie, I don’t think or believe that everyone knows the law on immigration, pertaining to the hiring of illegals. You’re supposed to so above us intellectually, you can look at the law and explain it to us mere mortals. Unless of course you have to sit around at dream up classy monikers such as….MAGat and such.
I am a little bit scared of how you must be training ‘your’ poll observers. Here in Chester County, we used this new invention. It’s called a book.
enjoy yourself and your New Year,
“𝙄 𝙖𝙢 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙞𝙩 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙙 𝙤𝙛 𝙝𝙤𝙬 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙢𝙪𝙨𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙩𝙧𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 ‘𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧’ 𝙥𝙤𝙡𝙡 𝙤𝙗𝙨𝙚𝙧𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙨. 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝘾𝙝𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘾𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙩𝙮, 𝙬𝙚 𝙪𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙣𝙚𝙬 𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣. 𝙄𝙩’𝙨 𝙘𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙖 𝙗𝙤𝙤𝙠. 𝙚𝙣𝙟𝙤𝙮 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙉𝙚𝙬 𝙔𝙚𝙖𝙧,”
tony, we all know about the book you use. I believe the title is mein kampf, and it was written by your idol, and the idol of the orange-skinned SOB who you love so much.
Now everyone is anti Semitic. That’s what the left does when they can’t defend themselves.
you are such a little boy. Didn’t you have any friends when you were growing up ? Actually, little what’s your name, you never did grow up.