Notice something new?

Notice something new?

Dear Reader:

You are noticing a difference in the layout of my blog.

It’s not just the layout.

After five years, with increasing difficulty and expense of using my previous platform, I have changed to one called Ghost.

Make up your own jokes. I don’t why it’s called Ghost, and I don’t know much about it.

I am low tech, and have an as-needed administrator who takes care of things for me.

One thing you are sure to notice is the absence of ads. Ghost doesn’t permit them. That it is a negative for me.

On the other hand, it does permit me to use pictures in comments, which is a positive for me.

Pretty much the content will be the same — what I think are common sense opinions, reporting, and interviews from the middle of the road. 

I remain a centrist, poking fun and providing praise irrespective of political party.

I hope you enjoy the new look.

Stu Bykofsky