Male hypocrites try to slut shame Kamala

The big smear of Kamala Harris is well underway, founded and excited almost exclusively by men. I said almost. There are some female haters out there, too.

Vice President Kamala Harris is a good-looking woman

But the men are the big, fat hypocrites. And I know commenting on a woman’s appearance puts me at risk, but I think it is justified here.

What men are saying — and I am cleaning up some of the language — is that Kamala “slept around,” mentioning especially former California Democratic powerhouse Willie Brown, and, mentioned less, TV host Montell Williams.

When she and Willie Brown were a thing

That she and Brown had a relationship of several years is indisputable. They both admit to it.

She and Montell Williams with another woman identified as his daughter

Both she and Williams admit to casual dating. Did it involve sex? Maybe. So what?

When the men talk about Harris “sleeping around” (and they sound a bit jealous) are they totally blind to Donald J. Trump, whose “dating” habits were chronic Page One tabloid bait?

Some of his affairs happened while he was married. He paid $130,000 in hush money to a porn star. At least 18 women have accused him of inappropriate behavior. He had an open affair with Playmate Karen McDougal. He was convicted of sexual abuse against E. Jean Carroll.

You guys have the unmitigated gall to throw stones at others, even as the glass in your house shatters around you? Is this a form of political slut shaming? Are you completely self-unaware?

Back to Harris.

Yes, the Brown affair began when she was 29, and he was 60. That was in the mid ‘90s. 

Yes, he was married with kids, but he had been separated for about a decade.

If you are making the case about adultery, married Willie was the adulterer, not single Kamala.

Do you object to a single woman who is sexually active? Isn’t that what you were looking for when you were single?

The age difference shocks you?

Are you shocked that rocker Steven Tyler is 39 years older than wife Aimee Preston? Actor Nick Cage is 31 years older than wife Riko Shibata. “Star Trek’s” Patrick Stewart is 39 years older than wife Sunny Ozell. Actor Dennis Quaid is 39 years older than wife Laura Savoir. Just to be different, French president Emmanuel Macron is 25 years younger than his wife, Brigitte.

Having been involved in a May-December relationship myself, what I heard from most men was not shock, not outrage, but envy. And I suspect the same from male critics of Kamala, who was a pretty hot number when she was younger, and ain’t bad now in the opinion of many.

The “slept around” narrative reeks of hypocrisy and sexism, unless you have the same complaints about male politicians, such as Trump. And lord knows there have been a lot of them. 

22 thoughts on “Male hypocrites try to slut shame Kamala”

  1. The MAGAts can’t think of anything else to critique. She is smarter, more accomplished, better looking and far more affable than schlump who is scared to debate her. I knew this would happen

    1. ……”I knew this would happen.” Of course you did. Are you clairvoyant? A fortune teller? Do you read palms? Tea leaves? Can you contact the dead?

      1. You don’t have to be a genius to apply principles of behavioral science to this situation. A fat orange coward, a bully, demented and a low IQ jackass. Of course he would back out debating a person who is accomplished and smart. You would too.

        1. That’s telling him, Wanda. Only a total moron would post such a response to what you said. But of course, that’s most Trump voters.

  2. My mother use to say “people who live in glass houses, shouldn’t throw stones”! I always wondered where those glass houses were.

  3. I don’t care if she slept with the entire 86th Airborne, all I care about is what nightmare laws she will bring to the USA if elected.

    1. Compliments (for once) for sticking to the issues, Vince. I don’t agree, of course, but props to you for not acting like a total dick like some people are.

  4. Kamala has hardly been commanding in anything she has said or accomplished in four years; she is too short and wears exceedingly tasteless and ill fitting pants suits.
    Hardly one to be our Commander in Chief in tumultuous times.

    Also, worth asking all the above if there is a difference in your morality about sleeping around for intentional career advancement, (over ones own merit as it has been reported about Kamala for years in newspapers from both sides), from merely sleeping around, male or female?

    Fair question, perhaps?

  5. Stu, you hit the proverbial nail on the head with this column. Unfortunately the idiots who are posting and running with this crap do not care if its lies.

  6. Stu, I find it incredibly hard to believe you haven’t yet realized that if it weren’t for hypocrisy, the GOPeckerheads would have no fundamental guiding principle.

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