Leftist Dems making enemies’ lists
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds. . . “
— Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Speech, 1865, with the war at an end.

Lincoln had led the North through a savage Civil War, taking a toll of 618,000 Americans that has never been surpassed.
It ended five days before he was assassinated. His post-war plan was carried out — no political or military leader of the Confederacy was tried for treason or imprisoned, as they could have been. (Some officers were tried for specific war crimes.)
The War was over, the Union was preserved, and Lincoln knew vengeance against the South would be counter-productive.
Another great statesman, Winston Churchill, put it this way: “In Victory: Magnanimity.”
That’s not the way some on the tolerant Left see it. They are busy drawing up enemies’ lists — which put some in mind of Richard Nixon and others in mind of Joseph Stalin.
Am I exaggerating? This list includes people who worked for Donald J. Trump, who funded him, and even who voted for him, courtesy of Hari Sevugan, former national press secretary for the Democratic National Committee. He was also a senior spokesman for the Barack Obama presidential campaign, and I wonder if the former president approves of this.
I doubt it. I think of Obama more like Lincoln than Nixon.

Sevugan’s threat is general. CNN anchor Jake Tapper issued a veiled threat against future employment. If you don’t accept the outcome (which has yet to be certified) you will have to face the consequences, he warned.

Did he feel the same about Democrats who supported Al Gore’s month-long court challenges in 2000? They didn’t accept the early verdict. How about his fellow Democrats who declared themselves the Resistance after Trump won in 2016? Did they ever accept the outcome?
They have justification, in their own minds. Trump was a unique evil who would destroy American democracy, I had friends tell me. They hotly threw around words like “tyranny” and “fascism.” I had more faith in the sturdiness of our institutions, even as they insisted he would refuse to leave the White House if he lost.
That’s as delusional as anything you would hear from a Trumpster.
“This is not meant to be mean or vindictive,” said Joe Lockhart, Bill Clinton’s press secretary.

But people around Trump have to be “held responsible,” for what “they’ve done”? Not vindictive? Har-dee-har-har.
What exactly have they “done” other than implement policies Democrats don’t like, and wreck some norms?
Few of which I agree with, but, see, that’s the thing with democracy. Sometimes when you lose you have to put up with things you don’t like.
The threats I am showing here run counter to Lincoln and even Joe Biden’s direct call to end the demonization. Progressives talk a lot about “better angels,” but when push gets to shove they are as low-down as those they hate, even while claiming the moral high ground. They lack self-awareness.
Joining the call for actual banishment was Jennifer Rubin, once a conservative columnist, but whose Trump Derangement Syndrome has turned her into a mini brown shirt.

“We have a list,” she warns darkly. Maybe her employer, the Washington Post will print it. I’d like to see the names of the untouchables.
We can’t leave the subject with hearing from America’s Favorite Former Barista, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez.

As I recall, she’s deleted a few herself. She wants to know if anyone is compiling an enemies’ list? I refer her to trumpaccountability.net
Have fun, AOC.
As always, I like to be balanced, and have to put on the record death threats that were received by Philadelphia’s City Commission, which oversees elections, and which always has a Republican as one of its three members.
“We need discourse that is civil, not vulgar or threatening,” said Mayor Jim Kenney, shamelessly addressing his words only to the Right.
Anyone on the Right threatening actual harm should be arrested and prosecuted.
That goes without saying.
As for the Leftists making lists, that’s not illegal.
That’s just unAmerican.