Ladies & gentlemen, you no longer exist, to Democrats
The U.S. House of Representatives, dominated by Democrats (for now), has just passed rules eliminating gender-specific words such as mother, father, sister, brother, male, female, he, she, his, hers in an attempt to expand — you guessed it — inclusivity.

You get to be more inclusive by excluding words that have been around since roughly, when man first walked upright. Ooops. Make that when person walked upright. Right? You no longer have a sister, you have a sibling. You no longer have a father, you have a parent.
Here’s the list published in the House Resolution of banned terms (I hope you are seated):
“Father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in- law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, step-mother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, step-sister, half brother, half sister, grandson, or grand-daughter.”
All terms no longer to be uttered in polite company.
Terms to be substituted? “Parent, child, sibling, parent’s sibling, first cousin, sibling’s child, spouse, parent-in-law, child-in-law, sibling-in-law, stepparent, step-child, stepsibling, half-sibling, or grandchild.”
All clear? I copied and pasted and found “first cousin” both banned and recommended. Chalk it up to careful government work.
The Resolution was approved 217-206 in a vote along party lines, with all Republicans voting this is freaking nutty no.
I am imagining young Democrat parents with a video camera in hand waiting for their son daughter child to say Mommy parent for the first time. What a moment to cherish!
The rules only apply to garbage legislation arising in the House, but it opens an unwanted door to unnecessary change down the road.
Leader Nancy Pelosi does not have the power — yet — to shove this down the throats of everyday citizens. (Some smartass patriotic citizen revealed that on Twitter, the Leader refers to herself with the toxic words “mother” and “grandmother,” rather than the preferred matriarch elder. We know from past experience — remember the hairdresser who tricked her into a wash and perm? — that rules she promotes don’t apply to her.)
New York Democrat Hakeem Jeffries waxed poetic about the new rules. "From my standpoint, the gender-neutral language is just consistent with an effort for the House, in the best tradition of the House, to reflect the gorgeous mosaic of the American people.”
“Gorgeous mosaic” does not include mother, father, sister, brother? Pass the pipe, please, Hakeem.
How can these people talk this shit stuff without breaking out in hives?
These idiots actually want to kill “mother” and “father.” What is the purpose?
Prohibiting gender-specific terms denies the actual humanity of the overwhelming majority of the world’s population. Language distortion is propaganda by the Left to attempt to erase the differences between men and women, thus erasing their humanity, creating a genderless lump.
That won’t succeed because we — and other animals — are hard-wired to recognize, in nearly all cases, the difference between male and female. Viva le difference.
I do not mean men and women (how could I say that under House rules — people and people?) should not be treated equally. They should, but their differences should be recognized. And respected.
Progressives obsession with minorities’ identity doesn’t help “victims” in any material way. Genderless language is sheer nonsense, and speaking of nonsense, during the session at which these earth-shaking rules were adopted, some holy man read the daily prayer in the House (offending atheists). He closed this way. “Amen. And A-women.”
This illustrates the utter lack of seriousness of the new insanity rules. Kind of like calling history herstory as if the word has something to do with gender. It doesn’t. Herstory is not a word. It is a mindless pander.
Don’t these clucks have anything better to do?
Some 3,000 men and women people die daily from COVID, our education system is in shambles, our infrastructure is collapsing, we might have a civil war brewing, but the clown car is busy strangling English.
You know, there has been sexism in language, often for understandable reasons. We say “policeman” because that’s all there was, once. Since we now have women in blue, saying “police officer” seems fitting, along with “letter carrier” instead of “mailman” and “sailor” instead of “seaman” and “firefighter” instead of “fireman.”
Those are reasonable and sensible. They make the words sharper, clearer, more correct. Eliminating mother, father, etc., makes things less sharp, less clear, less correct.
Why was it done? Was there a clamor for this I didn’t hear? Was it among the campaign promises I ignored? On a rating of things important to Americans it would come out like the Pfizer vaccine, at MINUS 94.
How deep in the well of Imagined Insult and Political Correctness are these mooks? How empty must be their minds to have space to come up with this?
What’s next — no more dogs and cats, just pets, because we don’t want to be guilty of speciesism?
It’s enough to make a grown man person cry.