Kamala can’t get away with the silent treatment

Kamala Harris is being too clever by half with how she plans to handle the now-aborted second Presidential debate scheduled for Sept. 10.

You must take off the gag, Kamala (Photo: The Atlantic)

Many in the media are saying Donald J. Trump “backed out.” Team Kamala says he is “afraid” to debate her.

Say what you will about Trump, he is too narcissistic to fear a debate. He wasn’t afraid of Hillary, he wasn’t afraid of Biden, he’s not afraid of Kamala. Knowing he would get a hostile reception, he appeared before the National Association of Black Journalists. He is usually combative.

I can see why some are saying he “backed out,” but I don’t agree.

Trump agreed to debate Joe Biden on Sept. 10 on ABC.

When Biden dropped out, so did that deal, in Trump’s view. Trump accepted an alternative, Sept. 4, offered by Fox News. 

Kamala has not accepted the Fox News offer, but says she will show up at ABC on Sept. 10. If Kamala is sincere about wanting to hear what Trump says “to my face,” she should show up for the Fox News debate. In the past, Fox News has handled debates fairly, without controversy. 

At  ABC, she may imagine “debating” an empty chair. 

That’s highly unlikely. What is likely,  if ABC broadcasts anything, will be what Kamala does not  want — a live, unscripted, 90-minute interview led by George Stephanopoulos, who will go there, meaning to probe Kamala’s policy positions. The positions that are not mentioned on her campaign website.

Her accomplishments are listed (minus the troubling stuff, like the border).

Here are her past positions on several hot-button issues:

#By advocating Medicare for all, she endorsed the end of private health insurance.

#She wanted the forced buy-back of “assault weapons.”

#She would dismantle ICE —  Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which protects the border.

#People illegally crossing the border should not be considered criminals.

#She approved of “reallocating” law enforcement money, which translates to defunding police.

#She opposed fracking.

#She helped raise bail for those charged with crimes in the riots following George Floyd death.

#She wanted to end cash bail.

#She was named the “most liberal” U.S. senator by the nonpartisan GovTrack.

You may agree with some of these positions. Don’t you want to know if she still holds them?

I am hearing, through her communications people and surrogates, she no longer holds many of those positions.

We have to hear it from her. With or without ABC, the MSM (which usually gives Democrats belly rubs) will not let her get away with playing the Sphinx. The issue is authenticity.

If she doesn’t play meet the press, they will turn on her.

18 thoughts on “Kamala can’t get away with the silent treatment”

  1. If I were the candidate in Harris position, I’d agree to a Fox debate on September 4 with some counter proposals of my own. One, no audience, which instantly favors Trump. Two, microphones turned off after your two minute response. And three, the inclusion of a second debate on ABC, CBS or NBC.

  2. Your readers know the best was forward, might you send these comments to Harris’ campaign to wake them up!

  3. Can’t wait to see her defend her positions. I also can’t wait to hear her explain why her and other Democratic leaders covered up Biden’s condition and lied to the American people.

    1. For once, I agree with Danny-boy. Even if he goes in and out of whatever his issues are, the American people need to call his team to task on their lies. By the same token, the gop owes us an explanation for the orange pos mental state, perseveration, flight of ideas, loose associations and lack of coherence. I doubt either will happen.

      1. Wanda, the odds of that ever happening are only slightly better than the odds of the orange-skinned POC talking without lying.

        1. You never say anything about the Biden administration and the great lies they told. How about the borders are secure and Bidenenocmics is working. At least Trump was a good president.

          1. Danny, that orange-skinned POC will go down in history as the very worst president in the history of the United States.

      2. The Democratic leaders gave your vote and democracy the middle finger and she was part of it. And this is who you want to vote for.

  4. The problem you have here, and HAVE had for the past eight years, is that one party refuses to adhere to the rules of the debate and the rules of decorum. First of all, having boisterous audience in the room, especially one that is skewed to either side, is ridiculous. It does not help the issue in any way.

    These debates need to have certain rules, and the candidates should be forced to stick to them or suffer (some) consequences. I admit that I have no idea how to control Trump (and yes, he is the ONLY one that needs to be controlled), however. He never answers questions and immediately pivots to a (usually dumb) point that he wants to make rather than responding to the question asked. I’m not saying that all candidates do not do this from time to time. They do. I’m saying that Trump does it almost ALL the time, and is allowed to get away with it, and it is not right no matter who is doing it or when. If there are legitimate questions to be asked of either candidate, and there are, they should be asked and answered. If they are asked and NOT answered, there is a problem that needs fixing. The whole thing is a fucking joke.

      1. Wanda, something I do not see being mentioned here is that orange-skinned POC delights in making people, especially women, subservient to him. That reason in itself should be why Ms. Harris should not accept under his terms. There needs to be compromise otherwise as far as I’m concerned he needs to be told he can go fuck himself!

    1. Surprisingly, he agreed to the very tight CNN rules. The audience is chosen by the host, and is balanced between supporters of each, and neutral parties. No question, Trump is a disrupter, but he should be reigned in by the moderators, or by the opponent.

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