It’s not “sexist” when Trump calls Harris “stupid”

If you call Kamala Harris crazy or stupid you are making a serious mistake.

Donald J. Trump (left) isn’t singling out Kamala Harris for abuse (Graphic: Washington Post)

That’s not me talking, it’s Dawn Stensland.

Dawn is a workhorse on local right-wing radio, heard on WPHT/1210-AM from 6-10 a.m. on the Nick Kayal show, then from 10 a.m.-noon on her own show. That’s a long shift, and she is a loyal acolyte of Donald J. Trump. 

After Joe Biden’s sudden, but not really surprising, announcement that he was leaving the race, and Harris’ rapid rise, Dawn cautioned against underestimating and demeaning her. She was directing her remarks at her audience, and even others at her station, she said. She did not mention Trump by name, but should have. He is the worst offender.

Dawn’s reasoning was that attacking her as stupid — as Trump often has — will not be taken kindly by some women, even Republican women. Her warning should also be applied to the vicious online memes from the Neanderthal wing of MAGA.

And while Kamala has been ridiculed for some of her infamous word salads, she is capable of delivering effective messages when she stays on script.

I agree with Dawn, but want to expand the conversation a little.

Democrats already have attacked Trump for his “misogynist” and “sexist” remarks about Harris. 

(Racist, too, but that’s another subject.)

When Trump calls Harris “stupid” or “crazy” or “nuts,” that’s part of his brand. His insult shtick is neo Don Rickles, without the innocent grin.

You may not like it — and many of his supporters do not, but it is not sexist. He does it to everyone, regardless of gender.  It is him treating Harris, well,  just like a man.

A sampling of the verbal darts he has used on men: “Sleepy” Jeb Bush, “little” Marco Rubio, “lying” Ted Cruz, “sloppy” Steve Bannon, “fake” Jim Acosta, “choked like a dog” Mitt Romney, “crazy” Bernie Sanders, “weirdo” Tom Steyer, “puppet” Scott Walker, “highly overrated” Colin Powell, “a waste” Anderson Cooper, ”total low life” Michael Avenatti, “hypocrite” Bill Clinton, “dope” Brit Hume, “clown” Charles Krauthammer, “dummy” John McCain, “total hypocrite” Neil Young. The list is almost endless. 

You could almost say that if you haven’t been negatively name checked by Trump, you don’t matter.

Don’t get the idea I am giving  Trump a pass. I am just saying it is his nature, like a skunk’s scent gland. It is not sexist.

And when Democrats bat “sexist” around, they come off weak and whiny. 

It’s better to fight back, but with more intellect than Trump can muster.

When Harris struck back with “I’m the prosecutor, he’s the felon,” that is memorable, funny, and true.

Trump wears “felon” like a badge? That’s fine. The Dems should put neon lights around it.

As for the GOP, there is plenty in Harris’ political positions that can be used against her. She is on record on everything from reparations, to defunding the police, to abortion without limits, to free healthcare for illegals. Not to mention being a beard for Biden’s frailty.

With all that to use, name-calling Harris, as Dawn says, is a mistake.

28 thoughts on “It’s not “sexist” when Trump calls Harris “stupid””

  1. Q: Do you EVER remember a politician at his level engaging in name-calling of this nature BEFORE Trump?

    1. Nope. Isn’t he just such a mature and classy person? That’s what attracts the MAGAts to him!

  2. My prediction is that most voters will understand that we, as the leading nation with serious challenges in the world, need a powerful Commander in Chief, and that this is not an election for our high school class president.

    I would never vote for Kamala for my class president, but that is her level of leadership skill rather than to ever be the Commander in Chief of the USA, that we need far above all other irrelevant considerations that she is female and has two interesting parents.

    This election must be lazar focused on voting for a Commander in Chief to strengthen and to protect the USA.

    Gardner A. Cadwalader

  3. Unless coming up with something better than being Joe Biden’s vice President, I don’t see anything getting anything done there, or AG of California, a trainwreck. What exactly has VP Harris done to prove that she can lead the country? This isn’t a sexist issue, even as much as asking if Josh Shapiro is qualified to run the country. I think that neither are.

  4. My prediction: Kamala Harris will NOT be nominated at the Dem’s convention; Obama will see to that. Then the nominee HE wants will be win by acclaim — the lovely, electable, Michelle Obama. Of course, she’s no more capable of being president than any other celebrity housewife, but she has the right last name, the right gender, the right color (i.e., she’ll be a black woman replacing a black woman), and she surely can beat DT in the general election. Just my own opinion, and this IS an opinion column.

    1. I never thought of that but you’re probably right, Vince. And she’ll provide 8 more years of colossal Democratic failures. The ONLY people doing better in this economy are illegal aliens.

        1. A totally crazy conspiracy, which I expect you to announce as suxh, here, after KH is nominted.
          If it is Michelle, I will do a whole column on it.

  5. Joe Biden wasn’t a name caller but he was a complete failure. Trump was a name caller but a successful president. We have lived and suffered under Biden and will feel the effects of his administration for years to come. Harris will continue to destroy our country because assholes like Stu, Wicked Wanda , freeze and the rest of the misguided nitwits will vote for her. God help us.

          1. And you are supporting a guy so mentally incompetent he doesn’t know reality and that he lost the last election.

          1. Until the other day you were going to vote for Biden. You were not smart enough to see that he was unfit for office. And you call me crazy.

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