Inquirer scoreboard: It keeps pushing Open Borders

God knows I don’t want to be a noodge about it, but as long as the Inquirer keeps up its pro-illegal push, I feel obligated to respond to it, because no other mainstream media will.

Open Border demonstrators march on Broad Street (Photo: Inquirer)

And, yes, this blog is mainstream, centrist, with a simple Operating System (as the ‘puter people say): Obey the law.

In its Wednesday edition, it ran a huge picture on the first page of its “Philly & Region” section, with a 29-paragraph story on the next page.

According to staff writer Jeff Gammage’s reporting, a grand total of 75 people (out of 5 million in Greater Philadelphia) attended a rally outside City Hall to protest Mayor Cherelle Parker for not screaming like a loon about Donald J. Trump’s entirely lawful plan to deport people here illegally. The Open Border types will never stop.

The story seized on the excuse of the rally to rehash a very similar story that ran a few days earlier.

“At least” a half dozen Open Border organizations sponsored the rally. And yet a paltry 75 people attended. And they do want Open Borders, which is what you get when anyone who gets here, no matter how, is allowed to stay.

Why is the Inquirer so fixated on a topic that so few people care about?

Wake up! Um, I mean woke up.

It’s like the broadsheet is incapable of learning anything new. Partly as a result of the illegal immigrant tidal wave encouraged by Joe Biden, a majority of Americans favor mass deportations. I don’t, because it is too gross a tool and Trump can’t do it in four years. But he can, and should, make a huge dent.

In the story, 27 paragraphs were special interest pleading on behalf of illegals (who are never called illegals, just “migrants”), and background, while precisely two paragraphs were given to the opposing point of view. Well, 6.8% of the space is better than zero, which happens regularly in the Inquirer.

I know several Inquirer staffers subscribe to this blog, and others may read it without subscribing. Maybe my legitimate complaints about their biased reporting are having an effect.

I don’t know that for sure.

What I do know for sure is that as long as they keep up this crap, I will keep calling them out on it.