Inquirer plays up the Suicide Squad Jews

I am not sure how many people Rabbi Linda Holtzman, Philly’s most radical chic rabbi, represents, but I am sure I speak for more Jews than she does.

Rabbi Linda Holtzman (left) and Suicide Jews supporters (Photo: Inquirer)

I have known about her brainless “good works” for decades. She heads the Jewish “Blame Israel First” brigade of Suicide Jews.

In case you can’t read this link from the Inquirer, I can summarize in a few words: Her hapless group, Jewish Voice for Peace, wants the U.S. to embargo arms to Israel, rendering Israeli Jews defenseless.

The last time Jews were defenseless was before and during World War II, when 6 million were slaughtered.

After that, a hypocritical world shed crocodile tears and said, “Never again.” Israel puts teeth into the slogan.

I call Holtzman’s group — the Inquirer counted maybe 100 at a Sunday protest — Jewish Collaborators for Peace.

These halfwits peaceniks would bring the “peace” found along the Israel border a year ago — the peace of butchered Israeli men, women, children, plus innocent foreign workers. The peace of the dead.

This rupture with reality grows more intense the farther Left you go. 

The lesson that weakness entices attack — unlearned. 

The lesson that bullies will always bully until they are stopped — unlearned. 

The lesson that liberal democracies must be prepared to defend their values with the force of arms — unlearned.

When Israel fights terror, she is protecting us. We face the same enemies.

Here is a truism that should be used more: If the terrorists laid down their arms, there would be no more war.  If Israel laid down her arms, there would be no more Israel.

That harsh reality doesn’t penetrate the dupes like the Jewish Collaborators for Peace and allied groups like Bubbies for Peace I used to encounter during weekly protests outside the Israeli consulate on JFK. 

The kernel of all protests? Israel was wrong.

The Lefties were joined by one irresistible and irrational notion, that if Israel gave in to terror, or Arab, or Islamic demands, all would be well and calm in the Mideast.

This is magical thinking when you are dealing with genocidal maniacs. The Hamas charter, or covenant, itself calls for the extermination of Jews and the destruction of Israel, right there in the second paragraph. How do you compromise with such a group?

There is no similar document authored by Israel, the Jewish state, which, in fact, grants citizenship to Muslims and Christians. About 25% of Israelis are not Jewish, and have the same rights as Jewish citizens.

How many Arab nations put out the welcome mat for Jews?

Calls for disarmament, like calls for a permanent cease fire, only strengthen Hamas, which has pledged to repeat its attacks against Israel. Only the deliberately deluded do not believe them. 

Peace is possible with Arab states. Israel has proven that, most recently with the Abraham accords. Peace is not possible with terrorists.

At the very end of this Inquirer story were three paragraphs devoted to a memorial for the Oct. 7 dead at the National Constitution Center, attended by 1,000 — 10 times as many as the pitiful Jewish Collaborators.

Which group got the major coverage? And why?

[The Inquirer’s Page One coverage of Oct. 7 came from the Washington Post. ]

19 thoughts on “Inquirer plays up the Suicide Squad Jews”

  1. “Rabbi” Linda Holtzman, “Rabbi” Jennifer Rosenberg, the Reconstructionist seminary and movement may have Jewish ancestry but they are a disgrace and betrayal to just about everything in Judaism. They are traitors to co-religionists and ultimately to America. This evidently is what happens when a loss of religious understanding and moral principles is reinforced by social, educational, familial perverted liberalism/progressivism. It is a shame that the ancient rite of excommunication can’t be applied to individuals like these who support an enemy that is anti-Jewish, anti-Christian, anti-American to the core.
    A sick comment also that the Inquirer, Washing Post, et al treat these excretions of these bigots as being worthy of dissemination.

  2. The literal definition of the word rabbi, derived from the Hebrew word “rabh” is My Teacher. This woman doesn’t deserve the title of a rabbi. Look, I, like a lot of Americans, am horrified by the loss of lives in Gaza, and now in Lebanon. But that doesn’t mean Israel should just roll over either. Until the numbnuts running the Palestinian side of the equation over there come to their senses and realize their hatred of Jews is what’s killing them, which I’m still hopeful will one day happen, this senselessness will go on, and on. Rabin and Arafat almost got there; hopefully it will finally happen.

      1. Unfortunately, in my view, Bibi is Israel’s Arafat. They have the same fatal flaw–always putting their own personal and political survival over the best interests of their people. (BTW: I have a comment awaiting moderation below)

      2. Thumbs up, Stu! AraRat ALWAYS killed the deal. To paraphrase Abba Eban, “he never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity”.

  3. It’s funny too that these folks get more play than the long-standing ultra-orthodox Jewish anti-Zionists. (Neturei Karta) Like the crazy lefties, they too claim that their anti-Zionism is rooted is Jewish thought. You can read about them here. (you can read the article for free if you give them your email)

    Or here’s photo-link that gives you the idea.,1871,x0,y170&height=960&width=960

    They burn Israeli flags, and allied themselves with the terrorist PLO in the 60s. They’ve met with and brought gifts to Hamas and Hezbollah leaders. To quote the article:

    “Since October 7 and the subsequent war in Gaza, this advocacy work has been keeping Neturei Karta members busy. These days, if there is a pro-Palestinian demonstration in a major city, Neturei Karta will almost definitely be there, often with kaffiyehs draped over the traditional Hasidic coats they wear. They’ll be holding signs with slogans like “Judaism condemns the State of ‘Israel’ and its atrocities” and “Stop the Zionist massacres and persecution in Gaza.””

    Zionism was originally mostly a liberal, progressive project. “Labor Zionism” was socialist, not religious (hence, the “Kibbutz” –i.e. a commune, though a bit more successful than the hippie ones). Religious Jews were not all that enthusiastic about it, with many opposing it–though there was a religious branch of Zionism as well. Conservatives were very much against Truman’s recognition of Israel in 1948, and of course your anti-communists were suspicious of it as well.

    In any event, like any demographic, Jews are going to have their idiots and nutballs. Would be nice, but surprising if that wasn’t so.

  4. Read an opinion column recently to the effect that there will never be a workable two-state solution till there are democratic institutions in Gaza and Palestine. Marshall Plan-style rebuilding/teaching of democratic values at the point of a gun. Worked for Germany. And it’s a similar situation. But lefties just don’t see some peoples just don’t know how to govern themselves until taught.

    1. It’s hard to democratize a tribal, feudalistic culture, where family & clan ties are far more important than democratic governance. Another serious problem is the vast corruption & monopolies of basic goods. Much foreign aid is often siphoned off & donated supplies are commandeered and sold at inflated prices. AraRat died a wealthy man.

  5. Early this year I noticed that in an article in the Inquirer about Israel, Rabbi Linda Holtzman was the only Rabbi quoted out of the many outstanding Rabbis in Philadelphia and Suburbs. The article was so critical and her comments so Anti-Israel, I knew I made the right decision to cancel my subscription.
    Frank Brodsky

  6. As a Christian, I marvel at the stupidity of those Jews who cannot grasp the intent of Israel’s enemies: the eradication of the country of Israel and its people. I continue to support Israel and its fight for survival. Wake up you Jews who wring your hands and whine for peace; the countries surrounding Israel will NEVER accept peace so long as Israel exists.

  7. I wouldn’t worry about a band of 100 lunatics that preach nonsense. I stand with and support Israel, I support my Jewish friends and neighbors. Israel is dealing with an enemy whose word is worthless. They are animals who took hostages of men, women and children. I pray for the hostages, who knows how they were treated or even if they are still alive. There is no safe way to deal or take the word of Hamas.They must be stopped now.

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