I don’t believe any woman

I believe nothing a woman says, ever.

I didn’t even believe my mother when she said she loved me.

Myka Brzezinski questions Joe Biden

Women never tell the truth.

By now you are scratching your head (male), pumping your arm while cheering (divorced men), or throwing your device out the window (female).

And I don’t blame you, ladies, because that would be the dumbest thing I have ever written.

As would be the opposite — I believe everything a woman says, always.

Yeah, #MeToo, here we go.

#MeToo played an important role in creating courage for abused women to come forward, in the era of sexual carnivores like Harvey Weinstein, following the outing of a half-dozen prominent men from the relatively innocuous Al Franken to the egomaniacal Matt Lauer to drug rapist Bill Cosby to accused pedophile R. Kelly.

But some women lie, for whatever reason, just as some men lie.

I have written about this before. The accusation against Joe Biden, and the too-easily satisfied women’s chorus, brings me back to the subject. Belief should hinge on evidence, not gender. Our legal system is predicated on the presumption of innocence. That means you are innocent until proven guilty and an accusation, no matter now credible it may appear, must be backed by evidence.

Too often the #MeToo movement has demanded a pound of flesh, or a career,  before the presentation of evidence. In the full bloom of its self-righteousness it used a hash tag #BelieveTheWomen.

While performing a civic service, it also created a climate which said all women must be believed. The Left went particularly bat shit with this idea during the hearings for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh around the accusations of Christine Blasey Ford.

Democratic women dutifully are lining up to say they believe Biden: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, potential VP picks Stacy Abrams, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, even unhinged actress Alyssa Milano, who (until now) insisted all women must be believed. All except this one?

Hillary Clinton joined the chorus but she has a history of not believing women who accused Bill Clinton with everything from groping to rape.

Biden has now flatly denied the charge, under questioning by MSNBC’s Myka Brzezinski. Kavanaugh had denied such charges. So had Donald J. Trump. 

But Democratic women believe only Biden (or say they do). This is more political ideology, not feminism. 

Part of the problem is that Tara Reade’s account has changed over the years. Back when it supposedly happened, she filed no police report and the senate report she supposedly filed was not for assault. She does not have a copy of that complaint. 

Where is that report?

It is possible she did not file one. It is possible she did and some Biden ally has made it disappear. It is possible it is buried in Senate records, which Biden has asked the Senate to open. It is possible it is in the 2,000 boxes of personal material Biden gave to the University of Delaware, which Biden has asked not be opened, he says, because it contains no personnel records.

Prove it. 

Biden ought to tell the university to seek and release anything pertaining to Reade, but nothing else. Have student journalists conduct the search under the supervision of faculty and campus police.

Do I believe any random U.S. Senator could be guilty of sexual assault?

I do.

Do I believe this specific former Senator did it?

Not without proof. 

This is not male solidarity. As the son of a mother, the brother of a sister, the father of a daughter, I think punishment for rape should be more severe than it is. Don’t believe men can’t empathize.

This has to do with justice, with evidence, with proof before conviction.

Many supporting #MeToo appear to be hypocrites. It’s time to stop the bleeding and have #MeToo reorganize under the banner of “Truth First.”

Stu Bykofsky

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