Guest essay: Trump beat not just Dems, but Left culture

By Guy Ciarrocchi

Trump’s victory was historic — meaning it’s important and worth studying. The unfortunate reality is that in today’s America, any Republican win in a swing state or district is actually historic. However, Trump’s victory is in a “super-historic” category.

Guy Ciarrocchi, senior fellow at Commonwealth Foundation

With all the post-election debate over why he won, too many have failed to take note of how much adversity he had to overcome in order to win — and not the obvious adversity. Perhaps more importantly, his victory says a lot about the mindset of an emerging majority in our nation. 

The win underscores how academia, the legacy media, social media and Hollywood are, in fact, disconnected from our lives, our reality, and our values.

Let’s put aside the comeback from 2020. Put aside the federal and state indictments. The legal cases brought against his former staff and allies. The attorneys trying to bankrupt him. The endless attempts in the courtroom and the court of public opinion to further destroy his reputation. And let’s even put aside the two assassination attempts — be they rogue actors or part of a conspiracy.

Whether you consider the court cases to be the weaponization of the justice system or legitimate, overcoming them is what makes Trump’s win “super-historic.”

But putting the court cases and the assassination attempts aside, Trump had to overcome a generation or more of factors working against him — and most Republicans. His supporters and his voters had to look past so much propaganda that’s constantly put in front of our eyes and ears that many others just see as “normal life.”

The multiple, deep, omnipresent challenges for Republicans and for conservative ideas are so engrained into our society and culture that many Americans, regardless of party, no longer recognize them as challenges. And for Trump the obstacles were super-sized.

Consider who voters are. Most voters are products of public schools. Recognize that voters under 40 were overwhelmingly taught by teachers whose values or curriculum are the backbone — or at least backdrop — of today’s Democratic Party. From “climate crisis” to “systemic racism.” From viewing the United States as an “oppressor” to men as misogynists — or at least portraying white men as the unfair beneficiaries of a biased culture. From “sex education” to “gender.” From questioning the legitimacy of police officers to questioning the fairness of capitalism. As we learned during the Covid era, public schools have been preaching the harms of American society. Heck, the very textbook teaching American history in many school districts — Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States —is premised on America being flawed from the start, a force for harm to its citizens and the planet. [Editor’s note: I had my own take on Zinn’s work back in 2015.]

Then state universities and especially the Ivy League and other “elite” universities, double down on this. They not only preach those values, they go further. They shield students from conservative thought and thought-leaders, mock or ridicule their ideas and spokespeople — and offer safe-spaces to students when conservatives are on campus (or win an election). Twenty-first century colleges may not produce job-ready graduates — ready to work hard, face adversity and deal with responsibility, but they do produce left-of-center graduates who are told they are duty-bound to advance their view of the world and oppose and shame anyone offering conservative outlooks. Heck, even questioning liberal orthodoxy is taught to be shameful.

Plus, students from Pre-K to college graduation, those same students and their parents and their peers are immersed in a social media world of progressive thoughts, products and advertisements. All too often due to algorithms and “friends,” they either never see or hear conservative thoughts or they see them as something that’s mocked — as representative of the very harm, sins and immorality of Americans and our flawed culture.

The traditional family, respect for the rule of law, civil society, capitalism, and the Constitution are all portrayed as the harmful pillars of a flawed nation. Therefore, they should (must) be pulled apart.

For those going into corporate America, it’s the same, re-enforced by HR departments and corporate culture.

Layer on the near unanimity of the legacy media. Those reading newspapers — online or in paper form — all too often view them as having almost biblical importance. And we know “newspapers” frame what news they choose to cover, their headlines, and the facts chosen to be shared, or skewed.

Now, layer in legacy TV — from the overt propaganda of CBS and MSNBC to the slightly more subtle bias of the other “major networks,” plus, the “comedy” shows that are essentially 30, 60 or 90 minute commercials for Democrats and their policies or attack ads against the GOP or conservative values.

Finally, add in the cancel culture and shaming — online, in the work place and even at the bus stop.

For decades, by design or through a series of decisions—or a go-along to get along mindset, American culture from pre-K to college, from Facebook to CBS and from corporate America to Saturday Night Live, there has been an almost factory-like unified focus in mass producing left of center voters: Democrats. And vilifying Republicans, conservative values, or anyone else who questions progressive orthodoxy.

That Trump could overcome all of that — and Kamala’s $1.5 billion actual campaign — and win, carrying every battleground state, speaks to the relentless, tireless, effective efforts of Trump and his party.

But it actually speaks louder to the values, hopes and dreams of a majority of Americans. Despite being programmed to distrust and reject all Republicans and their values, they voted against the machine.

That they saw through all of that to vote for Trump is historic, super historic.


Guy Ciarrocchi is a Senior Fellow at the Commonwealth Foundation. This first appeared in  Broad + Liberty. Publication of guest essays does not imply agreement.

32 thoughts on “Guest essay: Trump beat not just Dems, but Left culture”

  1. Very well summarized, Guy.
    VDH and Charles Lipson have written similar compilations of the evils inflicted on our own country by the liberal, progressive, holier that thou, intolerant Obama types.
    By our own Inquirer, too, for heaven’s sake. Why are the editors still employed?

    The return to normalcy, which Trump is leading the band, is an extremely welcome relief from this era of sophomoric and lawless madness.

    I look forward to never having to answer another questionnaire asking imbecilic questions such as “what sex I was assigned at birth.” I have had some fun with the imbeciles, however, giving my pronouns as “thee and thou.”

    The supreme seditionist of all against the US during these last eight years, not mentioned by name above, is Nancy Pelosi. Why is she free and not yet in jail?

  2. The people are waking up to what the hate America gang has given us. And they don’t like it. Most people want to earn what they get and not be rewarded for doing nothing. They believe in self responsibility and accountability. If everyone just took care of their own families the country would be better off. I hope we get back to our old American values and stop depending on the government to feed and raise our families.

  3. Terrific column Guy!!

    I have been saying for past 10 years that the Silent Majority better wake up before it’s too late. Hopefully they’ll stay awake and vigilant.

    And yes, hopefully Pelosi and her fellow travelers will get the justice they deserve.

  4. I can agree on some of your points, and disagree on others. The “woke” culture was unquestionably spanked, and hard. While I hate the term, I agree that moderation in those extremist views was needed. Trump campaigned on a populist message of hope for the working class. Now let’s see how he and his billionaire class of cabinet members and advisors can govern. Will they govern for their own, or for the people? Only time will tell. Remember, Biden’s initial cabinet had a net worth of a little over a billion, combined; excluding Musk, this cote of advisors and cabinet level officials is worth 50 times that amount.

  5. Thank you, Guy Ciarrocchi! I’m a Conservative in a sea of Liberal Democrats….and that’s my entire family I’m talking about. They’ve made me the “black sheep” of the family as it were. My late husband and I were both “born Jewish Democrats” who saw the light about 40 years ago when his hour commute to and from his job was a chance to listen to talk radio, come home and discuss what he’d heard and learned, and how conservative ideas seemed much more aligned to our way of thinking than those of the Democrats we were. We changed our voter registration back then and voted for one of the best Presidents ever, Ronald Reagan. I just wish my “kids”, they’re almost at retirement age, would see the light their Daddy and I saw. But all the factors you mentioned in your article are keeping them from it, and God knows I’m not allowed to say a word to them lest it create a family “world war”.

    Thank you, Stu for posting Guy’s insightful article.

    1. Happy to do so, Jackie, as he laid out his case very well. I do not agree with all of it, but I don’t agree with ALL of anyone’s opinions, including mine.

  6. A terrific article. But never forget what happened to the protagonist in Orwell’s “1984.”

    The crazies on the Left merely took a step or two back; but they lie in the heavy brush, awaiting the arrival of their best weapon: the very short memory of the American voter.

    1. And they have had at least 70 years to infect several generations with their radical and deranged ideology, which denies ANY alternative perspectives and insists on a cult-like refusal to even peek at different facts and viewpoints, let alone debate or discuss them. They are basically cult recruiters and they will not stop until they get their way. So yes, they are still lying in wait for the day when we take our eye off the ball.

        1. Sorry, but I regularly watch other viewpoints, read about other viewpoints, and I’m very willing to debate with people. I have found, on the other hand, that after the first refutation of their point that I get a FU or personal attack (almost all involving Trump of course), and they walk away. And remember, cancel culture — a hallmark of cult behavior — did not come from Trump supporters or anyone on the right.

    2. Short memory indeed. How the economy was devastated the last months of the former Trump administration and THOUSANDS were DYING daily. How THOUSANDS of children, even infants were separated from their parents at the border, more than 1,000 still have not been reunited. How he believed murderous dictator Putin over our own intelligence agencies. How he has been convicted in Court or numerous misdeeds, and adjudicated Sexual Predator. How rioters stormed our Capital, threatened lives, defecated, injured more than 100 police officers (some life-changing), while President Trump did NOTHING but watched it unfold on T.V. How he lied ceaselessly about the rigged 2020 election after losing more than 60 Court cases. How he lied about the 2024 election up until the moment he won decisively than SILENCE. Yes. Short memory.

        1. I didn’t change my screen name. I don’t even know how. Plus, I am proud to be me. I’m not sure why that 1 is popping up instead of my name. I’ll fix it if someone advises me.

  7. Nauseating Garbage. Let’s start with the writer. A Republican Politician who frequently makes an appearance on Right- Wing Radio. Hardly an unbiased opinion. The election of the Vile, Vicious, Vindictive, Vulgar, and Vengeful serial liar and convicted felon has glorified the ultimate “owning the Libs”. And let’s not forget more descriptive V;s for the Victorious Felon. VICTIM. Poor Trump, Guy drools. Had to overcome so much ADVERSITY. Forget that he was born into a wealthy family and was afforded every opportunity, the best education and inheriting a thriving, lucrative real estate business, and still discarded ethics and empathy throughout his life. “Using rape-and-pillage corporate practices favored by Wall Street, Donald Trump made himself billions while swindling and bankrupting untold numbers of hourly workers and small businesses.”…..and his cruelty knows no bottom. THOUSANDS of children separated from their families, at the border, more than 1,000 still have not been reunited. (A documentary released on this heinous practice will air this weekend on MSNBC.) And now, hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are living in FEAR. FEAR of a government led by a cruel Tyrant… Immigrants, not just the illegals, but the hatred for “the other”, like the Haitians.,,,, Fearful LGBT and Trans people. …..FEARFUL critics of the King, like General Mark Milley, and Senator Liz Cheyney…… FEARFUL dedicated government workers whose livelihoods are threated by this sick tyrant and his BILLIONAIRE toadies. As this writer says…….”That they saw through all of that to vote for Trump is historic, super historic.”…… Yes, it is. God help us all.

    1. I’m with you. I wanna know what the fuck colleges this right-wing hack is talking about. I bet his biased ass hasn’t been to a college class in literally decades, so where is he getting his information about what views are being shared? I would surmise he is pulling them out of his biased ass. First of all, NOBODY has an objection to “conversative views.” I have many friends who are conservative, and I respect their views and opinions, though I do not agree with them.

      But what in the actual fuck makes Trump a conservative? His many arrests and convictions? His rapey demeanor? His complete mismanagement of multiple casinos and failed business” Three marriages with children from all of them combined with infidelity to each wife? The fact that he drove the national debt up dramatically while mismanaging a global pandemic?

      Perhaps the author, an obvious nincompoop, would like to explain how those things quality as “conservative” in any rational discussion? What this extremely bias individual describes as “propaganda” is, in reality, the fucking TRUTH.

      1. Guy isn’t here, so I will take on one part of the argument. Academia is indisputably majority Left, although it does very by region.
        You may not like this source. Wiki will tell you colleges are a MINIMUM of 6-1 Left vs Right.
        And in MSM newsrooms, Dem registration is 80%.
        The reason I thought this worthy was the dots being connected between education and political thought. You don’t doubt that education unions are run by Democrats, do you?

        1. No, I don’t doubt your stats. But stats don’t tell the full story. Stats by themselves are meaningless. Example: “8 of 10 adults gain weight over the Holidays”….. is this a good thing? A bad thing? A nothing thing? The stats alone don’t tell you. This “Guy” may have proper stats, but he twisted them to make his point. I noticed with Fox news or Right wing talk there is always a grain of Truth and a fact or two, but then the full story is twisted beyond recognition. So here.

          1. Facts can always be twisted. You do it yourself.
            In Guy’s case, the domination of academia (and Hollywood) are established facts.
            That this election points to a major, foundational shift, that is wishful thinking on his part, I think.

      1. Biden doesn’t know what day it is and everyone knows it. Trump gets the credit .I hope the haters pay attention this time and watches how quickly Trump turns things around.

      2. Finally, an intelligent reply to one of your right wing wing nuts! How about all of those calling for Nancy Pelosi to be jailed? And rambling about Biden’s mashed potatoes? Not a peep.

  8. A sociopath was elected President. He displays 3 classic traits: his lies on almost everything; his sense of persecution; his total lack of empathy.
    By definition, Trump is a malignant narcissist. One more point: Dementia runs in the Trump family. His father died from Alzheimer’s due to Dementia and donnie j. is showing signs of it.

  9. If our young(ish) voters are so indoctrinated by their leftish leaning educators, How did so many wind up voting for a man who seems to want to be an autocrat?

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