
Ending the lie about why special counsel Hur did not charge Biden

This is not a coverup for Joe Biden. I have been plenty critical of him.

President Biden (left), Special Counsel Hur

What it is, is an attempt to knock down a persistent and pernicious lie about two people:

1- Democratic President Joe Biden

2- Republican Special Counsel Robert Hur

It is the worst kind of lying politics, even without benefit of Artificial Intelligence.

Let me start with Hur. He’s been collateral damage, inadvertently harmed by fellow Republicans who selectively excerpted his words in order to attack Biden.

 In his explanatory letter covering his report to the Attorney General, Hur did say, “We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

But that was not why he declined to prosecute. Note the word “also.” Him being old and memory-impaired was subordinate.

The real reason he declined to prosecute was because there were no grounds. “No criminal charges are warranted in this matter,” he wrote, as you can see above in the photo of Page 5 of the Executive Summary. You can read the whole 388-page report here.

I didn’t. You won’t.

He also said, “the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt,” which is the standard a jury must use. For Biden, there is no “there” there, according to the facts, Hur said.

So that’s how Hur was harmed. His words were twisted into something nakedly and solely partisan.

The harm to Biden? That’s self-evident.

Maybe next time I will do Donald J. Trump’s falsely reported “bloodbath” if he is not elected remark. Truth is more important than politics.

Stu Bykofsky

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