
Don’t judge only on a video clip

By now, there’s a good chance you have seen a brief video of three Arkansas cops subduing a suspect.l The insidious thing about sharing video on the internet is you see a slice of what happened, not the whole loaf.

And judgments are made on incomplete evidence.

Chris Rock has advice for resisters

It seems to me banging the man’s head on the roadway is excessive, along with the kneeing of his legs. What the video does not show is what led up to the confrontation, and that is important.

The cops were investigating an earlier terrorist threat made by suspect Randall Worcester, and the police claim that he punched one of the officers in the head while they were questioning him. The cops were not wearing body cams.

What you can see is that the suspect continued struggling and resisting arrest even as the cops were busting on him. The cops have been suspended. Worcester walked out of jail Monday under his own steam.

There will be a trial, and I will go along with the jury’s verdict.

But one thing I believe is this: If you don’t resist arrest, you don’t get your ass kicked in most cases. From Rodney King on forward, it’s a simple truism — resisting arrest leads to an ass-kicking. 

Here’s an instructional video by Chris Rock. https://youtu.be/uj0mtxXEGE8 

Tell me that ain’t the truth.

Stu Bykofsky

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