Dems continue to marginalize themselves with Woke ideas

Think of how that would change the wording on cards on Mother’s Day

Dems continue to marginalize themselves with Woke ideas

The woke Democrats are at it again, this time in Wisconsin, where Democrats have filed a bill reported by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinal changing the word “mother” to “inseminated person.” 

Think of how that would change the wording on cards on Mother’s Day. And instead of getting flowers, insulated tubing. 

Don’t tempt me to think what she it would get instead of candy.

Here’s the governor’s explanation, in which he calls the Republicans liars and reframes this as a discussion of IVF services, while absentmindedly repeating the word “mom,” which the bill would prohibit. It’s so hard to keep up with new rules that defy convention and common sense.

See if his double-talk resonates with you. It baffles me. It is woke nonsense.

The bill recognizes same-sex marriage by making references in the statutes to spouses gender-neutral. The terms "wife," "mother," "father" and "husband" were replaced with gender-neutral terms, such as “spouse” and “person,” the Milwaukee paper dutifully reports.

“In one section covering artificial insemination, ’the husband of the mother’ was changed to ‘the spouse of the inseminated person.’”

I wish I could say I am making this up and this is a first for my fine feathered Democrats, but, alas, it is not.

I remember all too well, while trying to correct an error in syle in House records, Speaker Nancy Pelosi ordered all “sexist” language stricken from the rules document that governs government usage. This included terms such as mother, father, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, and more. Toxic Woke.

Americans were not exactly clamoring for this change, most especially the rule that ruled out the most revered word in the language — mother. What kind of lunatics would do that?

I had something to say about it, as you might imagine. The Independent added detail to the discussion: “Under sections 3105 and 3106 which concerns artificial insemination, the suggested changes include swapping ‘husband’ to ‘spouse,’ ‘wife’ to ‘person,’  ‘father’ to ‘parent’ (or ‘natural parent’) and ‘mother” to “inseminated person.’ [Editor’s note: Yikes!]

“Mother” was replaced with a gender-neutral term at least 30 times and “father” was swapped out more than 120 times, according to Republican State Representative Amanda Nedweski.

Speaking at a Monday event, Evers backed the proposed changes and clarified they would only apply to IVF procedures done within Wisconsin. 

“Specific details around how the removal of the gendered terms would expand access to IVF treatment or the alleged legal barriers currently in place were not addressed by the governor,” the newspaper noted without comment.

“If you believed moms are moms, and dads are dads, then there would be no need for this change. Apparently, Evers believes dads can be moms too,” Nedweski, a mother of two, tweeted on Monday.

“If I called my mother an inseminated person, she'd probably slap me for good reason," State Senator Andre Jacque told FOX 11. “We hear a lot about woke virtue signaling. I think this is probably the best example of that I've ever seen.”

Maybe he means the worst.

As long as Democrats tether themselves to such inconsequential, profound silliness, they will not be taken seriously by most adults.