Democrats and Biden in a deep ditch

Immediately after the disastrous debate, Joe Biden’s polling numbers declined a bit, but not that much.

Whew, I thought. How did he dodge that bullet?

Two weeks later, the respected Cook Political Report showed that Donald J. Trump is leading Biden by 2.5% in an average of national polls.

Why did Biden sink a few days later? I have a theory that I floated two weeks ago, talking about who decides who won the debate. The decision is made by 1) the journalistic talking heads, 2) the real people who watched the debate, and 3) the people who didn’t watch the debate but get their opinion from social media, and on social media it was Bidenegative. Those in 3) are the majority, and are heavily influenced by what others are saying. What Rush Limbaugh used to call low information voters.

Worse, behind its paywall, Cook finds three tossup states —  Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada — are now leaning Republican. Biden narrowly won all three in 2020.

Even worse, Minnesota and New Hampshire were downgraded from “likely” Democratic to “leaning” Democratic.

Did I hear one poll that said New York state wss moving toward Trump, or was I having a seizure?

Biden leads in Wisconsin, but trails in Pennsylvania and Michigan.

If those figures hold, Biden is sunk.

He’s also sunk if he flunks his (scheduled for) 5:30 Thursday news conference on NATO, which will be NOTTO, meaning not NATO, but “How’s your braino?” (And I will bet it starts late.)

This is Biden’s lifeline. If he flubbs it, the rats will be using parachutes to jump off the ship. Some already have and did you notice Nancy Pelosi’s squeeze play — after endorsing him, on Wednesday she said it is up to the President to make a decision whether to stay in?

Biden already made the decision to stay in, but Nancy pretended that didn’t happen. 


To provide him with a graceful off ramp. No one is better suited than he to say he forgot what he said before. 

The “best” thing for Democrats would be for Biden to crash and burn tonight.

If he falls on his face, throwing him overboard would be easy, and Kamala Harris is standing by. Yes, she is the logical replacement and beat Trump with independents in a recent CNN poll.

If you can believe it, Kamala beats Trump among independents.

The “worst” thing for Democrats tonight would be a passing grade for Biden, a C, but not an A.

They would be left with a suspect candidate, at best.

It would diminish Democratic turnout, and that could rip though the House and Senate.

The last thing I want to see is the White House and Congress controlled by the same party. It makes it too easy for opportunistic pols to drive their pet issues into legislation. 

Tragedy is breathing down the Democrats’ necks.

23 thoughts on “Democrats and Biden in a deep ditch”

  1. Power is as addictive as any drug. What made Washington great was his willingness to give it up. Few are his equal.

  2. What are the logistics of Kamala Harris being the nominee at this point? Is it possible for her to get on the ballots of every state? Does Biden’s war chest transfer to her (I’ve heard that is not the case, but don’t know for sure). We only have less than 120 to the general election. Is it possible to get her (or anyone else) in position to defeat the would-be dictator at this point? That’s my only concern. I have no issue with Harris as potential POTUS. She has the experience, intelligence and knowledge, and she would DESTROY Trump in a debate without a doubt.

    1. ONLY she gets the war chest, if Joe quits. RIGHT NOW Biden has enough delegates to win, on the first ballot. Short of the 25th Amendment, they can’t remove him. He COULD resign as President, making Harris the incumbent. Or he could step aside after he gets the nomination, giving it Kamala.

  3. Anyone with half a brain has known Biden has not been well for years especially those democrats in leadership roles. Yet they pushed him out there so they could control him. Now it’s out in the open and the people are finally waking up. We are being led by unelected people who are ruining our country. Why would anyone vote for any democrats. They knew of his condition yet they backed him anyway. Trump put the American people first . Biden put us behind everyone. Anyone who can’t see this is not paying attention.

    1. That is the issue – the continual lies that (a) Biden is really the president and (b) that his cognitive health is good. The Democrats have been lying and covering up, and their handmaidens in the media are doing the same. We can take a bad candidate, a lying politician, and we can decide between the lesser of two evils. But what we cannot tolerate is knowing that we are being played and treated as if we were stupid.
      I’m at the point now where I will not vote for a Democrat under ANY circumstances until the party cleans itself up.

    2. Trump has and always will put HIMSELF first. Those of us who do pay attention are quite cognizant of that.

  4. Trump is leading Biden by 2.5%, which puts it within the margin of error. Which national polls are you referring to?

      1. Do you know what the margin of error is? Because you managed to post a conglomerate poll that does not show it. How very convenient of you to leave that out. 2.5% is not even close to a mandate.

          1. You used their data knowing full well there is no margin of era listed. Just like when you claim only 2.1% of Philadelphia residents commute by bicycle, while leaving out that is 15,000 people. You’re the one who chooses to misrepresent data.

  5. Biden has been in a deep ditch from the start when he was the best the Democrats could offer to distract others from supporting their cute favorite socialist, Bernie Sanders.
    Didn’t they have a better candidate than Biden, known as a liar, known for beating his chest with empty false bravado, and a man, with a history of plagiarism, with false teeth, hair plugs and gold cufflinks for his French cuffs, who is actually common as a sidewalk?

  6. How’s this for a conspiracy theory? Biden’s cognitive issues have been known to insiders and friendly media for a few years. The “insiders” (i.e. those controlling the Democratic Party) have wanted to find a way to vault Harris into the Presidency without leap-frogging Biden or putting her through primaries (where she would be challenged on her performance, her word-salad style of communicating, etc.). So – prop up Biden for an apparent 2nd term through the Democratic convention. Right afterwards, he steps asides and Harris steps into place without ever having to be challenged in the primaries. The real question – will those in charge have Biden also resign as President (after the convention) so that Harris runs as the incumbent?

    1. The democrats way of saying the hell with democracy. We will tell the people what to do. And who will rule.

      1. That’s rich coming from a guy who tried to overturn the election he lost.

  7. What platform would Harris run on? If she were handed the Ball it would be the biggest Hail Mary in History, She has done nothing! This is going to be a train wreck.

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