Chris Rock got it first: How to NOT get shot by cops

No, I am not blaming the victim.

What I am saying is wake the hell up!

Dexter Reed lies dying after encounter with police (Photo: Chicago Tribune)

When a police officer stops you and gives you a command — obey the officer!

Yes, even if you feel the stop is unconstitutional, racist or humiliating, just shut the F up and obey the officer!

You can always go to the newspapers, and the ACLU later and file suit.

I can’t tell you how many car stops escalate into shootings, but my guess is too many. And they are avoidable.

Be polite. Follow the officer's commands.

This goes for everyone but especially for Black Americans — even if you think the officer is wrong, obey the officer.

Don’t ignore the cop’s commands, don't ignore warnings, don’t talk back.

Maybe two decades ago Chris Rock gave the same warning in a comedy video that maybe he could not do today. Or maybe he could — like Dave Chappelle, he may be too big to cancel.

If you don’t remember the video — here it is.

Rock takes a very serious subject, runs it through the truth ringer of  comedy, and turns it into a huge laugh. Listen to the reaction of his mostly Black audience.

What brings this to mind right now was the tragic death of Chicago man Dexter Reed, 26, who ignored Rock’s cautionary video.

We are told that Black parents have to tell their sons how to conduct themselves around police. Low-income whites got the same warning. I know I did. The idea is to “Sir” them to death — yes sir, no sir, please sir, I don’t know, sir.

When stopped by a cop, you pull over, cut the engine, place your hands where they can be seen, on the steering wheel. This tells the cop you are not a threat.

Yeah, I know about the “Black rage” thing. That centuries of oppression have created a deep loathing that can be set off like dynamite. It may be true, but it must be controlled, or we will get more deaths like in the Chicago case, which the  AP reported out.

In this case, the cops have a  video that clearly shows Reed ignoring police commands. Ordered to roll down his window, he rolls it up. Ordered to unlock his car door, he does not. It is very clear in this video.

Even with guns pointing right at him, Reed disobeyed.

The Civilian Office of Police Accountability issued a preliminary report that Reed fired first, striking a Black officer. In the video, it is not clear who fired the first shot.

There are unanswered questions. Such as:

*Did the 5-member tactical patrol team actually pull Reed over for not wearing a seat belt?

*If a seat belt violation, why did officers approach so aggressively?

*Did Reed actually fire first?

*Was it necessary to fire 96 times in 41 seconds?

*Why did cops keep shooting after he tumbled out of his car?

*Did Reed have a carry permit for the gun found in his car? (He was awaiting trial on a gun case.)

Over time, these questions will be answered.

In the meantime, and forever, will you please listen to Chris Rock?