Philadelphia’s seven-year-old soda tax has increased health in the city, but maybe not, according to a story in the Inquirer…
A shelter is about the worst place for a dog, and Philadelphia’s was once one of the worst of the…
The post mortem continues, with the Inquirer headlining, in the print edition, a story , “Why voters rejected Dems’ fascism…
Donald J. Trump has a mandate for action, and if Republicans capture the House, in addition to the Senate it…
Well, ain’t that something. In what I can’t help seeing as a trolling of Mark Cuban, President-Elect Donald J. Trump…
With 72% of Americans feeling the nation is on the “wrong track,” and Vice President Kamala Harris’ favorable ratings lower…
I knew it was coming, but it’s hard to take: Longtime TV host and radio anchor Wally Kennedy has died…
In what appears to be growing desperation, Democrats with access to a microphone or a lens went bonkers trying to…
We hear a lot, righteously, about Republicans who would not vote to certify an election that didn’t turn out their…
Many people who know I am from Brooklyn assume I am rooting for the Dodgers. That’s why some say when…