By Prof. John Banzhaf As more states pass laws requiring transgender students to use school restrooms based upon their anatomy,…
The man who crowned himself a king says that he has no ego. A graduate of Washington D.C.’s American University…
I am awake, I am not Woke. Thanks to loving, kind parents, my sister and I were taught there was…
Fox News’ Tucker Carlson is not a journalist. His employer has bragged admitted that, and that he can’t be believed.…
First, sincere sympathy to anyone who has lost a loved one to the deadly fentanyl tide unleashed on America by…
This won’t take long. It’s a simple object lesson of progressives identifying a problem and then throwing far too much…
The diversity chickens are coming home to roost and diversity is destroying quality at Philadelphia’s top school — Julia R.…
He never voted until he was 30, former City Councilman David Oh tells me, sheepishly, as he sits for an…
I like dogs, and I like cops. Assuming they are good dogs, and good cops. And I have read and…
It reminds me of Bastogne, the Alamo, Thermopylae, and Masada. Those were battles where defenders were crazily outnumbered, but refused…