I once wrote, with sincerity, that Philadelphians divide their time between bragging about Philly, and trashing it. As a columnist,…
Normally, the election of a Jewish person to lead a nation (outside of Israel, of course) would be a cause…
Anti-Semitism is the oldest hate. In the past, it was naked. Today, it often hides behind “causes.” Historically, a hallmark…
President Joe Biden got it right on paper — condemning the surge of U.S. anti-Semitism — but tripped over his…
With their anti-Semitic attack on Goldie’s on Sansom Street, the Philly Palestine Coalition has revealed (again) its true colors, which…
Thursday will be the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht, or the Night of Broken Glass, during which the Nazis went on…
There’s been an outbreak of anti-Semitism at the esteemed University of Pennsylvania, and new president Liz Magill is going about…
I am rarely mistaken for Little Miss Sunshine, which would misgender me, and I am even less mistaken for Chicken…
For those of you who can’t tell from my name, I am Jewish. That is a necessary disclosure for what…
Today’s topic is hypocrisy, and our shared reaction to hate. Today’s subject is DeSean Jackson, an admirer of Louis Farrakhan,…