Biden explains when, not why, he is not running

Here’s how the narrative goes:

If Joe Biden dropped out of the race because of health reasons, then he should resign because he is unfit to serve.

In his earlier notice of dropping out of the race, Biden did not cite health reasons, or any other reason. 

But, if he quits “because of the polls,” Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld said Wednesday afternoon, “then it is a coup d’etat.”

And there are a lot of dumbbells who are parroting that “thinking.”

First, a coup d’etat is defined as a sudden, violent and unlawful seizure of power from a government.

There was no violence. There was no seizure of power. The government is untouched. Biden is still president, no longer a candidate.

If dropping out because of polls is a coup, then Nikki Haley was the victim of a coup. And Bernie Sanders and Ron DeSantis, and every other also-ran politician, ever.

Coup? Another big lie. Coup poo.

It is beyond laughable that the same people who think Jan. 6 was not a coup, think this is a coup.

Interestingly, in his formal Wednesday night address, he did not say precisely about why he was dropping out. It was not health, it was not polls, just time to “pass the torch,” to newer, fresher, and younger voices.

He emphasized younger.

In his 10-minute bye-bye Biden speech, he summarized his accomplishments, his plans for the next six months, and a plea to support democracy by voting against Donald J. Trump, whom he did not mention by name.

The curtain falls on the Biden Presidency, which becomes the third political dynasty ended by Trump, following Clinton and Bush. 

15 thoughts on “Biden explains when, not why, he is not running”

  1. Why did he run in the first place. Everyone knew he was unfit to run. But he did anyway. The gang behind the scene could not wait till he failed in the debate so they could force him out and put their next puppet in without a vote. So much for democracy. It’s so obvious but the uninformed dummies in this country don’t see it.

  2. Stu, you nailed it; however, for amusement purposes, I’ll read the comments that follow. Expecting a few “je cherche des excuses”!

  3. Got to give it to the speech writer, he got out with his butt intact, no 25th, no admitted illness, just don’t want to do it anymore. I’m sure that’s not the way that he feels, nor do the Republican party and many voters agree. That’s all Folks as it appears. Will Harris be endorsed? No doubt, will she win? Much doubt. I guess it’s time for phase two to begin, even though we should be coming into the home stretch.

  4. He said what he said. He’s passing the torch on to a younger generation. He doesn’t have to say anything explicitly about his health or age. He’s been a very good president. He is leaving, finally I might add, with his dignity sort of intact. I will agree with that troglodyte Daniel and say that he never should have run for that second term.

  5. Speech was really about the future instead of the past. Why is it necessary for him to go into why he decided not to run? It is obvious that his debate performance and gradual decline forced him to confront the reality of the situation. People leave their jobs all the time to retire or whatever and many times it is not as if it was their choice, but the memo to the office is never critical, rather it is gracious and thankful. The Trump talking points do not hold water and for people that have been merciless in their criticism of Biden, to now float the notion of a “coup” just only works for the GOP/Fox base that believes everything.

    History will treat the Biden four years very well. He took us out of Covid, revived the economy (albeit inflation is a challenge), border crossings are down. His handling of Ukraine and Israel as well as his realigning us with NATO and our place in the world has been masterful.
    As for Harris, I wish she had competition for the nomination, so she will have her trial by fire. But I bet Trump does not want to debate her. The myth that the failed assassination attempt on Trump would change his demeanor went out the window last night for anyone who watched his speech.

    So we will see.

    1. I did not “expect” him to come clean, I just reported that he did not.
      As for people being forced into retirement, and that memo, think again. Remember my case?
      I addressed the baseless “coup” nonsense in another post.
      I believe history will be kind to Biden, especially since he dropped out, but the speech? It contained not a single phrase that will wind up in Bartlett’s.

          1. It went out with the Contras were “the moral equivalent of our founding fathers” & “America will never make concessions to terrorists”.

  6. President Biden did not explain why he quit because it was obvious, he realized he could not win. Father Time caught up to him while his physical and cerebral functioning are declining. The voting public watched his debate failure. However a reminder that the last two Presidential Election Popular vote tallies reveals the Democrats won by four million in 2016 and by over eight million in 2020. The election of 2024 will find the Democrats winning the popular vote again. However, it does not indicate a Democratic victory. The vote for President in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona will determine the winner. My hope is the reaction to the election results will be docile without violent protests on either side of the political spectrum.

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