I’m sorry if you don’t like this

5 years ago

It’s not just the season of coronavirus, it’s also the season of apologies, which often are rejected. Social distancing at…

Defund the police? Insanity squared

5 years ago

The entirely justified national — even international — protests against the death of George Floyd, and ongoing police brutality, has…

Philly has other statues to kill

5 years ago

The statue of former Mayor Frank L. Rizzo joins former superstar Kate Smith in ignominy, disappeared by progressives who would…

Vigilantes — or self defense?

5 years ago

There were armed guards on 9th Street, hired by Italian Market merchants. A shotgun-carrying private security guard forced several youths…

‘This is not Russia’

5 years ago

One good thing — I guess — about the current situation (I mean the widespread violence, not the COVID-19 pandemic)…

Heard inside the mayor’s office

5 years ago

The imaginary mayor’s office at City Hall. The mayor is bent over, sobbing softly into his hands, which are salty…

Minneapolis learned a lesson. Have we?

5 years ago

The 8 p.m. curfew arrived in Minneapolis, the protestors were on the move, peaceably, according to MSNBC’s Ali Velshi, who…

It’s Patton time in Minneapolis

5 years ago

It wasn’t Minnesota Nice, it was Minnesota Fail. What we saw unfold before our eyes Friday night was proof of…

A smelly solution to riots

5 years ago

I stayed up later than planned Thursday night into Friday morning, watching a mob attack Minneapolis’ 3rd police precinct building.…

State Rep Brian Sims needs to go

5 years ago

This won’t mean anything to you, unless you live in my neighborhood and are in the 182nd Pennsylvania House district…