Adverts for myself

Here’s a perfect example of how a blog differs from a newspaper column. What I am about to do I could not do in a newspaper column, but I can here because of the deeper level of intimacy between writer and reader.

The writer at work. (Photo: Half-Pint)

I am an analog guy in a digital world. I am low-tech and hostage to holders of the binary code, meaning the computer language of 0s and 1s, not the people who change their nonbinary gender every time they can’t get a date. It’s hard enough for a man and a woman (or a woman and a woman or a man and a man) to get together. If you have a smorgasbord  of 37+ gender possibilities, it’s almost impossible.

OK, that was a big digression.

Back here at, I’ve got problems and forgive me if I get some of the terms wrong. An operation called GoDaddy (or GoPotty as I call it)  is the host, which I pay to get to where you can see it. Then there’s Word Press, (or Worse Press, as I like to call it) that provides the mechanics for what you see here. Together GoPotty and Worse Press are the Damaged Duo. Stressful and disappointing.

A friend of mine said I could set it up myself. “It’s easy, take a few hours.”

I knew he was wrong so asked around to find a guy who knew Word Press cold. I found that man. Since I/we (not my preferred personal pronouns) launched on July 15, it has been one F-up after another.

I don’t think it is my tech guy’s mistakes — but Worse Press and GoPotty  point fingers at each other. There is no accountability. It’s like being a Democrat on City Council.

The way it’s supposed to work: After I write and have the copy proofread by Half-Pint, I load it in Worse Press,  categorize it, tag it — something to do with some wishful thinking called Search Engine Optimization (SEO)  — add photos and choose a time to publish, usually first thing in the morning.

At the outset, that worked about half the time, but that’s been mostly fixed. What hasn’t is the email notification to those who have signed up. That works about half the time and I am getting pissed off.

I am considering switching to a different program, recommended by a friend, which supposedly will work and looks more attractive. He has shown me a sample.

Why am I telling you all this? So you are in on it, but there is something I am asking you to do. If you like, share with friends and ask them to sign up for notifications.

Why? If i get enough subcribers, I may be able to attract advertisers, which may be another headache as I will be under the  City of Philadelphia’s tax heel, as I have been once before.

So that is the deal and that is the appeal. Spread the word and  enlist more middlists to join us here. (Actually, I know many of you are not Middle, but Left or Right. That’s OK.)

This is a big tent, I am kind of the ringmaster — but no elephants, we’ve learned better than keeping them in a circus.

Spread the word.