
A word about immigration — illegals are not welcome

Like the majority of Americans, I welcome immigrants.

Legal immigrants. Always have, always will, as long as they come here in accordance with our law.

A billboard on I-95 (Photo: Philadelphia Inquirer)

“Immigrant” was mentioned in two recent news stories.

First, the Inquirer carried a story about an electronic billboard in South Philly near the sports complex that applauded the contributions of immigrant ball players.   

The sign almost suggests we wouldn’t have a World Series without immigrants, which is ridiculous, because we have had many.

One thing for sure, the Dominican pitcher who no-hit us, Cristian Javier, is here legally, and he is not being paid under the table. He is not taking a job Americans won’t do — he just does it better. He wasn’t hired for “diversity.” He was hired because he can throw a baseball at 100 mph and hit a spot the size of a dime.

The story quotes an “organizer” I happen to know, a full-blown Open Borders type. “There would be no World Series without those players, without those immigrants,” said Erika Almiron, a Philadelphia-based senior organizer for Mijente, the Latino rights group that put up the billboard,” said the Inquirer. 

Sorry, Erika, there would be a World Series without these legal immigrants. My favorite Philly is shortstop Jean Segura, who is from the Dominican Republic, an amazing pool of baseball talent. But if he weren’t playing for the Phillies, it would be someone like Jimmy Rollins, from Oakland.

Like all zealots, dear Erika, formerly of the Open Borders group Juntos, can’t let facts speak for themselves, she must exaggerate. But she can’t throw her fast ball past this batter.

Dear Erika has often called me a “racist” because I oppose illegal immigration. Dear Mayor Jim Kenney said I “don’t like brown people” because I oppose Sanctuary Cities that protect even convicted foreign felons from being deported by ICE. That is a fact, Kenney puts the welfare of foreign felons over that of Philadelphians.

Both dear Erika and Jimmy are actually building a racist trope with their notion that all illegals are brown-skinned.

As I have reported before — and as Kenney knows — Philly has a lot of illegal Irish. Also illegal Russians, Israelis and Canadians. All, you know, white.

Which brings us to David DePape, the guy who crashed into the home of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and viciously attacked her husband Paul with a hammer. He’s an illegal from Canada, who overstayed his visa, which is true for the majority of illegals.

I have heard some people argue they are not truly “illegal” since they did have a visa.

That’s like saying an expired driver’s license is still valid. DePape was here illegally.

Had this illegal been rounded up and deported, Pelosi would not be recovering from a fractured skull. But California is a Sanctuary State that finds it downright cruel to observe U.S. immigration law. It refuses to cooperate with ICE, as if it were the Gestapo, rather than a U.S. agency enforcing the law passed by Congress.

And Pelosi paid the price. Maybe Nancy will give sanctuary another think, but I doubt it.

Kenney didn’t knock down Philly’s sanctuary even after an illegal man sexually assaulted a child. And don’t try the sophistry that no person is ”illegal.” They are ”illegal” just as some are ”criminal.”

When you are a social justice warrior, you can live with other people paying the price for your beliefs.

Stu Bykofsky

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