Ah, here comes the braying of another academic with a racial grievance that even he doesn’t believe.

What’s wrong here is that author Seth S. Tannenbaum doesn’t have the courage of his biases convictions.
Since the Phillies — at this moment — have no African-American players, Tannenbaum should be saying that it is prima facie proof of racism. Others would.
Instead, he finesses it, actually says the organization has done “commendable” work, but points an accusing finger and calls for more effort toward “diversity.”
How? Can the Phillies wave a wand to create more Black, available talent? No, spend more, he says, on a few questionable programs.
His second paragraph, says it all: “This lack of African American players does not mean that the organization doesn’t care about Black players and fans, nor does it mean they aren’t trying to increase the number of African American baseball players and fans.”
Then why the hell is Tannenbaum writing this, other than to dredge up the Phillies undeniable racist history?
Maybe because he has a doctorate in history from Temple.
Rather than beat this subject to death with a Louisville Slugger, let’s do this:
Just-hired slugger Kyle Schwarber should identify as Black, you know, like Rachel Dolezal. Remember her?
Poof. Problem solved.
Yes, I am using satire to explode the insanity of viewing every slice of American life through a racial lens.
We have enough real problems without imagining fake ones.
Odd, but I do not recall any plaudits when the Phillies roster listed a great number of superb Black players. And rightly so, as color should have ZERO meaning in sports, where talent is primary measure. Or would the idiot in question prefer a team of second-rate hacks but ‘correct’ in color? I am weary of the whole color thing. The more we’ve shone a light on race, the less harmonious we seem to have become.
Apparently, these are the days that anyone can say or write anything that they wish. Truthor lies has no bearing, just the paycheck.
BTW How many Native Americans have played in the big leagues ?
Hey Tony,
Here’s an interesting article on Native American sports figures.
I don’t follow sports, so those names are at a loss to me.
Sadly, “Chief” was probably not meant to be diminishing, but I suppose, when you are surrounded by race baiters your whole life, you take what it appears to be harmless as an insult.
I do remember ( ever so slightly ), a ‘skin’ that played left field. When people would taunt him, he would yell back – FOREIGNERS ! Perhaps that’s a play off of John ‘chief’ Meyers, who hated be called ‘chief’ and considered himself a ‘foreigner’ when he played in New York.
I was often called shorty or something similar. I didn’t get annoyed because most of the time, it went right over my head. !
Stu,Back in the 40’s , Stan Brown a basketball player from Southern signed with the Sphas,( later played with the Warriors).Stan was maybe 6’2″.( I got to know him a little in the 70’s when he delivered bundles of The Evening Bulletin to a pharmacy where I worked- good guy).Today’s Stan would have graduated from Lower Merion or Upper Dublin gone to college.
Using Dr.Tannenbaum’s logic,the Sixers should keep a slot for a guy like Stan because the Phillies have had an African American on the opening day roster since 1960.Or, at least scout & run extensive camps and training centers for 6’2″ prospective power forwards.
Tannenbaum’s piece was long on woke, short on logic.