8 thoughts on “A quick request to the President”

    I don’t know why you’re so upset with joey. This is the same guy for the last 80 years. Sure, a stroke or two and maybe a concussion, but all of that money that the ‘man’ and ‘boss’ collected, will heal his pain – not yours.
    Then again. If you really like pain, get Fetterman elected. Fetterman, Bernie, a stroke……. we’re in for it.

  2. But if you could only stop one, which one would it be?
    I’d go with “inflection point” because it is less “Biden” and more hackneyed bad writing. As Tony says, the guy’s been talking like this since forever. Not so on “inflection point.” People have been counting, and apparently Biden didn’t use it for the first time until 2009. This is not surprising because it was primarily a mathematical term until the techies started using it about business decisions in the 1990s. Until then, ordinary folks would say “turning point” or “fork-in-the-road” or “important point” or any other way of the describing the situation. So “inflection point” comes from the same folks who brought us the idea of “interfacing” with other people, because “talking” was not good enough. Also, “access” as verb. Don’t get me started.

  3. How about his frequent use of “Let Me be Clear and that’s Malarkey”. The President pronounces words he is comfortable with while communicating. Every individual has a verbal style. He is a senior politician. Things may not be so clear to him anymore.

  4. Verbal hiccups are common through the years; remember when everyone was saying “At this point in time” instead of “now”?
    We have to constantly be reminded that we, the people, have given the men and women in government POWER, but power does not make them smart (to wit, Joe Biden). Most of the people in government are overeducated common folks, hanging onto the government tit because it gives lots of milk — at the taxpayers’ expense. Now comes another election in November. And when I consider the bozos running for high office I shudder. If these awful people are the best we can come up with, God help the USA.

    1. HAPPY TUESDAY !!!
      You did good UNTILL your last sentence. WE don’t come up with anything or anyone. Probably never did and it looks like we never will. The famous ‘machine’ picks the candidates that are going to best benefit the party’s philosophy. On rare occasions, at the very local level, will an individual take a challenging position at the local swamp. We are seeing it now. The parents are upset with the school boards and are voting out the existing ‘do nothing for the students’ machine.
      I think that it’s just as hard to break up the regimes in the ‘bergs, as it is in the big cities. A town of 3,000 has about the same voter turnout as the cities. This is controlling the vote. The politicians always had a phone list that would ‘sway’ any vote. That hasn’t changed. As I often say. The only thing that changes is the names and the faces.

      1. Tony: I use the ‘we’ as in the nation — no matter who really picks the bozos. BTW, I was not aware (as I do not listen to the news) that John Fetterman had a major stroke in May of this year and has a terrible time processing verbal information owing to the stroke. Also, he supports infanticide and the emptying of the prisons of lifers. Interesting choice the Left has made.

  5. Tony: I use the ‘we’ as in the nation — no matter who really picks the bozos. BTW, I was not aware (as I do not listen to the news) that John Fetterman had a major stroke in May of this year and has a terrible time processing verbal information owing to the stroke. Also, he supports infanticide and the emptying of the prisons of lifers. Interesting choice the Left has made.

      To be clear(er). I understood the ‘we’ in your post. I’m sure that you understood my position on party politics. In today’s world, take a look and see how many outsiders are running for office – challenging the machine. I am not referring to the third party candidates. They have a good point, whether green, blue or what have you. The best example of third party is Bernie Sanders. Nothing dumb about him. If he wasn’t registered as a dim, he probably never would have gotten elected.
      New blood doesn’t come around often. Here in PA, it’s easy enough to file for candidacy. When I lived in Jersey, the state handed you a booklet that would envy the IRS. ( that’s my reason for never running for office in NJ )
      Here, local or state, you have to have backing and bucks. As an outsider you have to win over the political machine and get their support to be placed on the ballot – after you have the required signatures for your petition to run for office. Good luck with that. Then comes the nightmare of dirty politics, threats and obstacles that aren’t seen unless you understand ‘in-fighting’.
      Fetterman: If you go to his website, you’ll find his history, purged as it is, and his position on the hot topics. John Fetterman isn’t the ‘idiot’ that the national republican party is trying to make him out to be. Far from it. I wrote about Braddock before, as I worked at the US Steel plant there back in the ’70s. He is obviously a progressive heading for socialism. Him and Bernie would make a great pair…
      As for his health. I’m pretty sure that no one can be certain as to the time or the amount of recovery from his stoke. No guarantees about the likely next one, either. Who wants a SEnator that is ‘damaged goods’? Probably the same people that elected joey.
      So Vince, after all is said and done in regards to this blog. Where are all of the comments ? Not to many AGAINST joey. Certainly, none FOR the poor excuse we have for president.

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