Trump serves usual menu, but with a different flavor

The advance word from Team Trump was that his brush with death, and a feeling that he was spared by God’s hand, has changed him, and he rewrote the acceptance speech he had planned for Thursday night.

Donald J. Trump pays homage to firefighter killed in assassination attempt

Daughter-in-law Lara Trump, Republican National Committee co-chair said we may see a “different” version of Donald J. Trump, “softer” than in the past.

And we did, and didn’t.

The meal was the same as Donald J. Trump has served countless times on the campaign trail, with less spice.

The server, the former President, spoke in a quiet tone, at a moderate pace, minus the usual bombast and braggadocio.

The highlight was the first 15 minutes in which he detailed the attempted assassination, saying he will tell the story only once, and never again because “it is too painful to tell.”

[Side bet: He will tell it again.]

“I felt safe because I had God on my side,” he said.

In a savvy touch of stagecraft, on the edge of the stage to Trump’s right — the direction from which shots were fired — was the helmet and protective coat of firefighter Codey Comperatore, who was murdered by assassin Thomas Crooks. After offering condolences to his family and two others who were wounded, Trump walked over and kissed the dead firefighter’s helmet.

Conventional wisdom, no pun intended, is that acceptance speeches are supposed to be about the future, and he did that after airing, several times, his baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

The promises? Respect for America, end inflation, lower interest rates, increase affordable housing, promote economic expansion, build a  border wall, “drill baby drill,” end the electric vehicle mandate, and, of course, many mentions of the “invasion of our Southern border.” He said, falsely, “hundreds of thousands” of Americans have been killed because of porous borders. (Maybe he was including fentanyl deaths.) For a change, he said the U.S. welcomes legal immigrants.

He offered safety, prosperity and freedom.

He called upon Democrats to stop weaponizing the Department of Justice, and for the United Automobile Workers to fire their president (who endorsed Joe Biden). 

As usual, he meandered a bit with asides that thanked friends or looped around, but the convention delegates didn’t mind.

He got a laugh when he said the next convention would be held in Venezuela, which is safe because it sent all its criminals here.

The speech clocked in at about an hour and a half.

The tone was indeed softer, until he reached the finish line of the marathon speech, but the attitudes remained the same. Perhaps God needs to try again.

29 thoughts on “Trump serves usual menu, but with a different flavor”

  1. It was everything that I expected from the RNC, and I liked it. I would have liked it to be about 30 min shorter, but all in all I did think it was a Great Convention. The First Part was very sincere, not very political, remembering those who were wounded, and the man who died.

  2. Heya Stu! 🙂
    I’m afraid that the combination of the assassination attempt and Biden’s exhausted and pressured response to Trump’s surprise-approach (basically ignoring the questions that Biden was prepared to address and substituting the sorts of attack rhetoric he was not) have worked together to likely push Trump five to ten or more percentage points ahead of where he’d otherwise be in the polls at this point.
    The next few months will be interesting.
    Just remember that “ancient Chinese curse”.

    – MJM

  3. Trump was good for the country the first time and will be even better when he is reelected. He did a lot of great things his first term. At least the man has a winning plan. Biden and the democrats have failed the American people in every way. They have divided the country. Biden demonizes half the country in every speech he makes because they want to make America great again. Trump unites and did things to make things better for all the people. I truly believe that all the haters are out to destroy this country and our way of life.

    1. “A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.”
      Winston Churchill

      1. Great Economy, Lowest Unemployment for Black’s and Latinos, Got us out of the Paris money grab Accords, Source President naughty getting sent to a war in nearly half a century. Move the Israeli embassy to its right full location in the capital city of Jerusalem., Got Israel and Saudi Arabia to talk and interact with one another on a peaceful level well on its way to a prosperous relationship.. Utilizing the rich oil preserves that are right underneath this great nation., Gas in groceries we’re affordable again. Didn’t throw America under the bus when speaking on behalf of us in foreign countries like Obama did. How much more do you need because that’s just off the top of my head

        1. The Saudi’s and Israel I have been engaged in discussions since 2015. One of the key demands by the Saudi’s is that Israel should return to the 1948 borders. Which are militarily indefensible.

          The President has no control over the price of gas and groceries. Its corporations.

          Trump invited Putin to attack our European allies. He sucked up to dictators around the world with no results. Including failing to get North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons.

          Trump tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations added $7.8 trillion to the national debt. 33.1%. Biden has only added 8%.

          1. You have twisted the truth as usual. The democrats finally concede that they can’t fool the American people with this puppet they set up the last 4 years. Your so dumb you still don’t get it.

        1. Which one of these facts have I twisted and what is the correct answer?
          The Saudi’s and Israel have been engaged in discussions since 2015. One of the key demands by the Saudi’s is that Israel should return to the 1948 borders. Which are militarily indefensible.

          The President has no control over the price of gas and groceries. Its corporations.

          Trump invited Putin to attack our European allies. He sucked up to dictators around the world with no results. Including failing to get North Korea to give up their nuclear weapons.

          Trump tax cuts to the wealthy and corporations added $7.8 trillion to the national debt. 33.1%. Biden has only added 8%.

        2. Try reading “The Wall Street Journal”, Forbes, or “The Economist”, all right-leaning publications. I speak facts; you talk Trump propaganda like you imbibe trump’s “Jim Jones Kool-Ade”. Get some real, hard, verified facts before you open your piehole and talk 💩
          P.S. Trump’s billionaire tax cuts added $7.9 trillion to the deficit. That’s a PROVEN fact. Trump’s ‘economy’ LOST 5 million jobs; Bidenomics CREATED 14 million jobs. More PROVEN facts.

  4. “There is nothing quite so invigorating as to be shot at and missed.” — Winston Churchill

    1. “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.”
      ― Winston S. Churchill

  5. A speech about getting back to some normalcy. God works in mysterious ways, indeed.

  6. Most elections are between candidates who are probably not the best candidates out of those who could be, should be, or who we wish were the candidates.
    But it is what it is…
    Let us consider the candidates on the other side from Trump:
    Declining, yet always been a noted dimwit, Biden, the man Obama warned us who screws up everything, (so why did Obama select him as his VP?), the plagaristic man who has always lied, and who reeks of a creepy and false school boy bravado.
    The next in the Democrat’s family tree is the hysterically funny word salad smith and Saturday Night Live Comedian, Kamala Harris, with not a single hair of leadership skill or credibility, plus she wears godawful, ill fitting pants suits; after her is the man who singlehandedly ruined the great state of California with such a charming and gleeful smile, Newsom.
    After Gavin…who else is in their barrel of crabs?
    Slim pickins’ down there.

    Between a rock and a flim flammy place.
    Let us hope the majority select the rock.

    1. I happen to like Josh Shapiro. I’m a Republican, but I vote the man not the party. America finally broke the religion barrier and elected a Catholic to be president (JFK); cannot we not do the same with a Jewish candidate?

      1. I used to vote the man, not the party (I even became Democrat for a few months to vote for Rendell in the mayoral primary, and volunteered for him).
        But I find today’s Democrat Party so reprehensible that I have taken a vow to not vote for ANY Democrat until they get back to some sort of reasonableness. Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr also had the sense to leave the party, and I don’t blame them one bit.

        1. I was lifetime democrat, my family worked for the city from 1946 to 1996.
          Strong Rizzo supporters, with some family in high political positions.
          The democrats went down the slippery slope of progressivism, and eventually over the deep end embracing loony leftist policies.
          Been a republican since.

    2. Biden, while not great, was the lesser of two evils. Trump is totally unfit to be President. Now it’s up to Harris (again, lesser of the 2 evils) to win.

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