Biden survives, but does not inspire

Before analyzing the debate, let’s remember that moderator Dana Bash described the first debate four years ago as a “shit show,” while Philly-born moderator Jake Tapper called it “horrific,” and later drew parallels between Donald J. Trump and Adolf Hitler.

And yet, Trump accepted CNN’s offer to host the debate, with Bash and Tapper as prosecutors moderators. So he really has no grounds to complain, and he didn’t. 

Each man entered from opposing sides and did not shake hands before the debate. Nor at the end.

Those expecting  a July 4th fireworks display had to be disappointed by last night’s wimpy pyrotechnics during the nation’s first prez-on-prez debate.

There were a few Roman candles, but no star shell bursts.

In the run-up to the debate, the MAGA heads — led by Trump himself — talked about Joe Biden being “jacked up” with “A shot in the ass.” The wild speculation sometimes talked about B-12, or even adderall, which enhances mental acuity.

Me, I figure Trump’s inner circle got him to gobble Xanax, because he was very restrained, for him, as he boasted about his record.

In Trump’s remarks, all roads led to illegal immigration. Questions about crime, Social Security, unemployment, drug addiction, all led to illegal immigrants.

Others will fact check everything, but I will focus on a couple of things.

Joe Biden reiterated the falsehood that Trump said there were “Fine people on both sides” at Charlottesville. He did say it, but not about the neo Nazis. He was referring to the debate over the removal of Confederate statues.

As for Trump, he is unhinged if he believes, as he said about abortion, that   “Everybody wants it back with states,” including “All legal scholars.”


It took Biden about 43 minutes to call Trump a “convicted felon.”

Naturally, Trump called Hunter Biden a convicted felon.

Biden said Trump “has the morals of an alley cat.”

Trump said Biden was the worst president in history.

Speaking for most of the 90-minute debate in a low-energy, whispery, raspy voice, Biden gained energy in the last 15 minutes of the debate.

He had one unfortunate stumble when he said `”We finally beat Medicare.”

Trump kept his temper in check, and hardly interrupted, but also often evaded direct answers unless pushed. 

Having mics turned off when a candidate  was not replying to a question seemed to have worked, for the most part. Having no audience meant no interruptions with laughter or applause.

On the plus side, Biden survived 90 minutes on his feet, and showed depth of understanding.

On the negative side, from the moment he shuffled out to the podium, he did not project an image of strength.

While Trump was evasive and somewhat nasty, he actually appeared presidential in his presentation.

That’s my say. Now, you have yours.

25 thoughts on “Biden survives, but does not inspire”

  1. Were you watching an alternate reality debate?

    Joe could not competently call out bingo numbers at an assisted living facility given his horrific performance tonight.

  2. I think Biden should have passed on this, he didn’t seem like he had the oomph to go toe to toe with Trump. Mentioning his son having been in Iraq still bothers me, if you lived anywhere in the NE part of the country, you know that he died of brain cancer. Trump was Trump, he’ll always be that way, he evades questions, points, and trys to tear down his opponent. He always has, He won a lot of points on the border, lost some on abortion.
    All in all, I don’t think it was much of a debate as much as it was a yelling match, I don’t know anymore than I did before, so I think I retain my thought on who I am voting for , without the debate. I still think it was a very poor move putting Biden out there, it did nothing for his campaign. Say what you like about Trump, He still can sell the snake oil, but we need something at this point.

      1. His whole presidency has been one of fear and weakness. The man can’t think on his feet. He can only read a script or teleprompter. I wonder who’s running this country.

  3. Perhaps in the next 70+ days there will be more tangible happens that help distinguish which candidate is better positioned to help steer our country forward.

    1. Its simple. One has stated that he will be a dictator on day one and another will not.

  4. Republicans were prepared to sing, “Who put the Adderall in Mister Biden’s chowder” after last night’s debate. But it wasn’t necessary.

  5. I predicted this fiasco. I gave it up at 35 minutes and went to bed. It was clear from the get-go that Biden is weak and frail. He is a good man and has been a good president. For the good of the country the party MUST persuade him to step aside graciously. No one will fault him for an obviously solid and ethical decision should he do so. But he will be harshly judged by history if he continues running.

    1. My debate:
      I predicted this fiasco. (Yeah, of course you did.)
      I gave it up at 35 minutes and went to bed. (TDS kicked in, did it?)
      It was clear from the get-go that Biden is weak and frail. (Agreed, with the “get-go” being January 20, 2021.)
      He is a good man and has been a good president. (Wrong, on both accounts. Took showers with his young daughter up until her almost teens. Twisted up her brain, but good. His son, Hunter? ‘Nuff said. And as president, his immediate actions were to open the southern border and close the pipeline. Aside from that Covid 19 fiasco that Fauci and Co. were 100% responsible for, and should be executed for, this country was running as smooth as a sewing machine. Biden and Democrats took a wrecking ball to our beloved America starting Day 1 of his term and are still trying to incinerate our constitution.)

      1. Hey asshole, you don’t know me, so you do not know what I did or did not predict. So go fuck yourself. As far as the rest of the babble, it only confirms that you are a deluded cult follower of the Fox Propaganda channel.

        1. You don’t know me? Hmmm. Wasn’t that a song by Ray Charles. I believe it was. But what you posted, they aren’t the correct lyrics. I cannot recall Ray singing a line about Fox Propaganda. Or an asshole.

  6. I am not opining on the candidates, per se – they both were, as they both are.
    Couple of points:
    1) Abortion Should be a healthcare issue – which means it Should go back to the states and whatever health plan you have in that state, should be the thing that decides what is covered and what is not.
    2) Biden was clearly jacked up on something. His eyes were glassy, his expressions were very ‘off’.
    3) It was a bull-shit-show filled with past comments – who cares what was said 5 years ago – please get on with it.
    4) You err when you said ‘immigration’ just as CNN has been using the term…the issue is ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and all of the various facets of f’d up-ness it has caused.
    The age of the candidates means nothing to me. Capabilities do. Our country has been run to the ground and we either pick it up by the bootstraps or we are done.

    1. 1. No, it should not go back to the states when many states intend to PREVENT it from being allowed. That is ridiculous and short-sighted. This is how we got a Civil War in 1865.
      2. BULLSHIT. Provide proof or shut up with this stupidity.
      3. It was bullshit, but one guy lied CONTINUOUSLY and one did not (other than the comment about Charlottesville). Act accordingly.
      4. That I agree with. If only Trump hadn’t scuttled the bi-partisan immigration laws.

      Our country has the strongest economy in the world. Manufacturing is returning slowly. We are making computer chips and building plants to make electric cars. Job growth is great. Inflation, while not ideal, is trending downward. Job for blacks and Hispanics are on the rise. The debt has been greatly reduced in the past four years. We have strengthened vital NATO, and we are respected as a world leader by virtually every country in the world. Shappup with your asinine nay-saying. Your opinions are just that, and they are certainly not backed up by the facts.

    1. Jennifer Rubin made the same points. Regardless dear freeze, Biden is old, frail, occasionally confused and incoherent. I will vote for him only because the alternative is so horrendous to contemplate. However, we deserve better than these two candidates.

  7. Last night’s debate proved to the country and the world that we elected a complete imbecile to be our president. After 4 years of protecting this jackass the democrats and the main stream media are in a panic. I just hope the people in this country finely put their hatred aside and realize that Trump was a good president. But judging from some of these post I think they want to let Biden and the democrats finish destroying this country.

  8. Biden performed poorly in the debate. In addition to his verbal stumbles he looked lost, often staring straight ahead with his mouth agape. He clearly showec that he does not have the mental acuity to lead for four more years. The fallout from his performance is that big-money donors will pull back, making it difficult for the Biden campaign to get their candidate over the finish line. For the Democrats to have a chance to win they have to nominate another candidate and push hard down the stretch.

  9. The aging process is evident in President Biden. The changes in his physical abilities was front and center when he walked on stage. I am no expert but if you compare President Biden’s verbal responses to 10 years earlier, there is a difference with his Volume, Pitch, Delivery and his responses to questions. In America image is very important to most people. The image President Biden presented last night is that of an elderly aged senior. The 33 percent of the audience who believe President Biden had a successful debate are fooling themselves. I believe it is time for the Democratic Party to have a Brokered Convention and consider other options. After last night, I will write in a 3rd party candidate for President.

  10. The aging process is evident in President Biden. The changes in his physical abilities was front and center when he walked on stage. I am no expert but if you compare President Biden’s verbal responses to 10 years earlier, there is a difference with his Volume, Pitch, Delivery and his responses to questions. In America image is very important to most people. The image President Biden presented last night is that of an elderly aged senior. The 33 percent of the audience who believe President Biden had a successful debate are fooling themselves. I believe it is time for the Democratic Party to have a Brokered Convention and consider other options. After last night, I will write in a 3rd party candidate for President.

  11. First time in my lifetime a sitting president is running against a former president. And my memory of DT’s time in office is that, on balance, he did a pretty good job. Of course, the same people on the left who called Ronald Reagan an ‘amiable dunce’ piled their hatred on DT the entire four years he was in office and continued their hatred since, in fear of his being reelected. Well, he will be after the nation saw President Biden’s sleepwalking act in the debate.

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