The coach gets to be the quarterback for 1 night

Tim Walz got the premier closing slot at Wednesday’s Democratic National Convention, and he did a lot with it, in only 16 minutes.

Coach Tim Walz makes a point

I note some media outlets were calling it “coach’s night,” rather than “teachers night” or “National Guard night” or “governor’s night.” When a writer makes a choice s/he is doing it with something in mind.

But what? Why “coach” rather than “teacher”? Why did the signs handed out in the convention hall say “Coach Walz”?

Mull it over.

Once again, convention planners allowed time to be slowed so that the keynote speaker, Tim Walz, got to speak well after 11 p.m., losing most of the East Coast, including battlegrounds of Pennsylvania, Georgia, and Michigan.

He started with his bio, stressing his small-town roots and values, took a few shots at Donald J. Trump and JD Vance, before promising that Kamala Harris will cut taxes on the middle class, create affordable housing, and reduce medical costs.

The crowd appreciated it all. 

There was a check list of Democratic desires, with him saying health care and housing are “human rights.” 

This sort-of bests Bernie Sanders.

Yes, he is pro-choice and anti-gun, at least assault weapons. 

He prominently mentioned his National Guard service, but chose not to confront the controversies concerning his rank, and the timing of his decision to retire, shortly before his unit was sent to Iraq.

A video bio preceding his speech made reference to him rising to command sergeant major, which is precisely the rank around which the controversy revolves.

As governor, he cut taxes, ordered paid medical family leave, and free breakfast and lunch for all students.

Republicans ban books, we banish hunger, he said.

Basically, he was sunny, and so was Bill Clinton, who spoke earlier, and somewhat weakly. There was a light frailty to his voice — he is 78 — and his hands trembled slightly, as they have for a few years.

He even said he didn’t know how many more conventions he might make. As far as I know, he was the only speaker to mention Ukraine, in connection to how the U.S. has helped the embattled nation. There has been almost no mention of foreign affairs. 

Clinton read his remarks from sheets of paper rather than a TelePrompTer, and went well overtime. He was as folksy as Walz, but got fewer standing ovations, perhaps because he never allowed himself to reach a crescendo.

The opposite was true for Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, who blew the roof off the place in his remarks about freedom.

Americans have to choose between chaos and extremism, and decency, honor, and progress, he said.

He has a special device when he is uncorking a good one — he says, “And hear me on this.”

And people listen.

He defined three great American principles as valuing freedom, cherishing democracy, and loving this country.

Oprah Winfrey made a (surprise?) appearance, and was very effective, but I choose not to cover entertainers.

She said she was a registered independent. (One that always endorses Democrats.)

There was one important moment, when New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker introduced Jon and Rachel Goldberg, whose son Hersh is one of the 109 hostages still held by the Hamas devils.

Even before they began to speak, cameras picked up tears rolling down the cheeks of some female delegates. Before the parents were through, some men were crying, too.

I include this note for those who wrongly believe the Democratic Party is anti-Semitic. 

37 thoughts on “The coach gets to be the quarterback for 1 night”

  1. The coach choice of moniker is nothing to mull over. It’s folksy; sports are deeply embedded in the social fabric of American culture; it’s one syllable and easy on the tongue.
    Walz’s speech was one of the best I’ve heard in my 78 years on this earth. And it was coherent and upbeat. His family was fabulous and brought tears to this old lady’s eyes.
    Shapiro did blow the roof off with his speech. Score one for an admirable member of my tribe!
    I didn’t bother with Oprah. Entertainers have no special expertise and I don’t listen to them either.

    1. Wanda I am in total agreement with you.

      Did you see Gus Walz? That was a 100% genuine moment and it got me misty eyed.

      1. It did me as well. Did you see that Ann Coulter called Gus “weird” for having tears in his eyes. Such a classy POS.

  2. Stu, in case no one else complements you, I applaud that you stayed up late to hear all the speakers but still rose early to post your blog!

  3. Only some democrats are anti Semitic and want to annihilate Israel. Just like only some want to kill unborn babies. The democrats have allowed tons of fentanyl to cross our open borders killing hundreds of thousands of Americans. Thousands more have died across the world in wars that could have been prevented if we didn’t have a weak incompetent president. Do the American people really want this kind of leadership.

    1. Why don’t you explain to the listeners, Daniel, exactly and specifically how our president would have been able to prevent these foreign conflicts. When you are done with that one, please explain how Trump, a whiny, narcissistic criminal so concerned with his appearance that he wears heavy make-up and fake hair and calls his opponents funny names like a 9-year-old, is “strong.” And finally, explain how Democrats have allowed tons of fentanyl to cross the borders when Trump himself admittedly killed the strongest border bill in decades, a bipartisan effort co-written by some of the most Conservative Republicans in the House and Senate. Then please explain how you can muster the brain power to tie your own shoes without consulting a YouTube video.

      1. The proof is nothing happened under Trump. And the country and the world went to shit under Biden.

      2. Freeze,
        He has no facts or explanations, just pronouncements and Fox propaganda points. He is ignorant as the day is long and dumb as a rock. Ignore the nitwit. I think we are giving him fodder to further engage in trying to provoke us. Extinguish his juvenile behavior by not responding and treat him like the toddler he is. He’s not worth the time or energy to address.

        1. The commie trio so blinded by hate they don’t see what we have lived thru the last 4 years Their only mission is to destroy our way of life and take away our freedom . That’s why they try to censor me and anyone else who disagrees with them.

        2. I welcome your silence. But you won’t stop because you have incurable Daniel derangement syndrome.

  4. Correction, just realized you posted it last night, you are probably still in bed. No harm, as I was able to post before Daniel’s mishegoss. Note this can not be classifed as antisemitism!

    1. Under ordinary circumstances, I write the day, or night, before and automatically post early in the morning. I treat the conventions as breaking news and post as soon as I finish writing.

  5. Thank you Stu. Agree with everything you wrote. So now off to my favorite place for a month where I will read your posts to be centered. But also to be able to speak intelligently to my neighbors about the state of the race. Europeans are interested and very concerned about what happens in the US.

  6. I think you owe Daniel a lunch, though you needn’t attend. His ill informed, ill advised and just plain insipid remarks are at times hilarious, and I look forward to them. I think a hot dog from a downtown stand would be sufficient. As for your remarks, Walz’ comments were just that, quick and down to earth. And I agree with Wanda on the use of the Coach Walz reference. It easily rolls off the tongue, is relatable to a vast swath of our society, Republican, Democrat and Independent, and the fact that he won a state championship as the DC doesn’t hurt either.

    1. Now I know where the lunch thing started. Nope. Daniel (and everyone else) is “paid” in the coin of free expression, that does NOT include defamation.

        1. Only if he were talking about her role as a nurse, where she “could” maybe “kill a baby.” And then truth would be his defense.
          Otherwise it is rhetoric.

          1. That is not what I am being told.

            Maybe Wanda should go after Daniel for saying it and you for allowing it.

            I know you are an LLC Stu but from what i am told you can still be held accountable in certain instances.

          2. Are you ACTUALLY threatening to SUE me because I allow free speech? You better get a better lawyer than mine.
            DON’T threaten me on my own blog. My patience has limits. You have been warned.

      1. Thanks for letting me use your platform and for being fair. There seems to be very few conservatives here and everyone should hear both sides. With that being said Bogart is a kiss ass cry baby POS😂

        1. Danny boy, all of the negative things you have said to Stu and all of the names you have called him and now you are saying he’s being fair to you. You are the biggest ass kisser ever.

          1. The insults go both ways. You Wicked Wanda and that asshole freeze are the only ones who cry about it.

  7. If you’re giving Daniel lucnch, please add Franks Grape Wishniak soda with a Philly pretzel with mustard. Daniel has points to be heard and considered. You can top the lunch off with a cheese steak wit- wiz.

    1. Aloysius M, please tell me what points Daniel has that should be heard and considered. I honestly have never seen any.

      1. The rise of inflation in the US is directly related to the price of oil. President Biden limited the production of oil on his first day in office. The cost of groceries rose because transportation costs increased to get the food to our markets. That’s just one issue Daniel is raving about on this blog. I believe Daniel’s views on abortion are religiously rooted. I could be wrong. Most religions view life’s origin begins at inception. Some religions don’t believe that theory. Our country has the 1st amendment that protects citizens from having religious beliefs imposed upon them. He has a right to express his views as do I and everyone else. If you can’t take the heat get out of the kitchen.

        1. Genius, for the last six years, America has outstripped Russia, Saudi Arabia, and other OPEC countries in crude oil production. How did that cause inflation. Oil prices and inflation are beyond the power of ANY one person. It is a complex economy of many factors. Inflation was primarily a result of the pandemic and supply chain economics. If you believe it had to do with oil production under Biden, you are as dumb as he is.

          1. Higher oil prices drive up production and transportation costs throughout the economy, which are then passed through to food and core prices.

  8. NIcely done. Funny thing I attended the first convention Clinton spoke at and never remembered his presence. Josh was underwhelming with alot to learn. This is a convention I wish I had attended ,

    1. At his first convention speech, Clinton was cheered when he said, “in conclusion.” Then, too, he went on too long.
      Per Shapiro, everyone but you agrees it was a home run.

  9. I am an undecided voter, I despise Trump, but despised Biden more in 2020.

    I do not trust Harris, and have a difficult time understanding why so many Trump supporters look past January 6. Not so much the attack on the building but Trumps failure to speak immediately to protestors.

    Harris had a failed presidential run and was never chosen as a presidential candidate by the voters in this country, she was chosen by Biden and then stepped into the role of the presumptive nominee.

    I am trying to make my decision and all I hear from both camps is bullshit insults. Harris has some wind in her sails, plenty of star power behind her and nothing else. All Trump has is he is great (his words).

    I dread pulling either lever come November, neither candidate has earned my vote.

    1. I am having a tough time believing Kamala. I was going to vote for Biden. I will NOT vote for Trump.
      I am neither salivating over her, nor hating her. We will see what she has to say.

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